Chapter 7 Rainy Days

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WARNING: This chapter does have a bit of language in it but only about 1 or 2 words.

It had been hours since you left the tower. You had ran out of breath after a while and decided to take a bus. It had taken you all the way to the other end of the city and you began walking on the streets again.

Now here you were, sitting on a park bench, watching as the pink blossoms fell off the trees. The sun had set a little while ago, not that it really mattered since a storm rolled in around the same time. The downpour was heavy and made you shiver at the low temperature, but you still sat there just staring at your shoes. The inside of you was completely numb; your heart was shattered into a millions pieces and your (e/c) orbs were now dull. You didn't have a speck of happiness left in you. All of your feelings seemed to have been locked in a box and hidden away. You sniffled as even more rain fell from the sky, blending in with your tears.

"(Y/n)!" A voice called out from the the rain, "(y/nnnn)! (Y/n)!"

You sunk lower on the bench, trying your best not to be seen. But still, the voice yelled your name; probably hoping for a response.

'Your hope is false.' You thought glumly.

"(Y/nnnnnn)!" The voice called again, only a bit louder. The thunder roared in response, seeming to tell the person to go away. Still they kept at it, "(y/n)!"

You could hear the person's footsteps now. They continued to shout your name over the loud rain and thunder. The storm actually seemed to get worse as the person neared you but still, you did not move.

"(Y/n)!" The voice yelled again only quieter, and in a sad tone, as if they were giving up. The footsteps stopped and you felt the mystery person sit next to you. You pulled up your sweater, so that it covered your mouth, and tilted your head down further, causing your (h/l) (h/c) hair to cover your face. ((Sorry if you have really short hair xc)) The person next to you sighed and surprisingly yelled over the rain to talk to you.

"Excuse me ma'am?" They shouted, "have you by any chance seen a girl with (s/c) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair, and (e/c) eyes? She goes by the name (y/n)."

You didn't look up, nor did you yell back. Instead, you just shook your head no. The person leaned over and placed their head in their hands. You took your chance and looked to the side, seeing who the mysterious person was. Your heart raced at the sight. L sat beside you with his hair and clothes drenched. He wasn't wearing any shoes, like always, but his feet look surprisingly scratched up. His skin looked paler than usual, unhealthily pale. You snapped your gaze back to your shoes, after a while of staring, and sneezed twice.

"Bless you," Ryuzaki said and took his face out of his hands. There was a pause before he spoke again, "I must ask, why are you out here alone in the rain? You could catch a cold."

You decided to change your voice range slightly so the detective won't know it was you, "I enjoy stormy weather. And what about you sir?"

L chuckled to himself, "well, I'm trying to catch a friend that ran off."

"Good luck finding her," you said and shoved your hands into your sweater's pockets, getting ready to walk off.

"I already did," he replied and grabbed your arm, forcing you to sit back down. L placed his two fingers under your chin and titled your head so that you were looking at him. "Why did you run?" He questioned.

You frowned as tears streamed down your cheeks. "As if you didn't know, idiot!" You shouted, pushing him and started running again.

'That idiot! That stupid, stupid idiot!' You screamed to yourself.

You kept your eyes forward, tears and rain blocking your vision as you ran further away from the park. You could hear L's footsteps as he ran after you, each one getting louder and louder until a tug on your arm stopped you from running.

"Let me go dammit!" You yelled and tried wiggling free from the man's iron tight grip. He pulled you into an embrace, holding you close so you wouldn't run off again. You hit his chest with your fists, clearly not phasing him at all. "Let me go! Let me go stupid! L-Let... Let me go..." Your voice trailed off to a whisper as your emotions took control again. Tears slipped from your eyes as you buried your face into L's chest.

L lightly placed his hand on your head and began swaying back and forth, "shhh it's ok."

~~~time skip~~~

L had managed to calm you down as you both took refuge from the rain under an apartment's shade that covered a small portion of the sidewalk. You and Ryuzaki stood side by side, but you refused to look at him.

"(y/n), why did you run away from the task force building?" L asked out of the blue.

You continued to stand with your arms crossed and your eyebrows furrowed, not bothering to answer his dumb question.

The boy sighed and leaned his face closer to yours, "don't be rude."

You scoffed at his statement, "don't be rude? Huh, how convenient that is coming from you."

"Hmm?" He hummed in question.

"Forget it," you spat harshly, "the rain's stopping. You should probably head back."

"I'm not leaving without you." He replied.

"And why is that?" You asked, avoiding his gaze.

"Everyone's worried sick about you... I was worried sick about you..." He said whispering the last part.

A dark aura formed around you and your eyes grew dark, "yeah right. You're just worried about your precious girlfriend."

"What?" The man replied, confusion clearly written all over his face.

"You heard me! I saw the way you both act together! I saw that kiss you two had! I saw it all! And not once did you think of me did you? No. You brushed me away after tinkering with my feelings you heartless bastard! You gave me hope and then smashed it into a billon pieces! That kiss we shared might have meant nothing to you but you could have at least told me before you go lip smacking with an other girl!" You yelled and stomped off to catch a ride back 'home,' leaving L shocked at your sudden outburst.

"What if I told you I loved you? Would you feel better then?" He called after you, not taking one step.

You stopped. "No," you said sternly and looked at him over your shoulder, "and I'd tell you I hated you." You then faced forward and continued walking.


I know, I know, you're all like "Why are you ripping my heart out? I just want to feel the love Addymac!"

And you will! Later... I just like drama hehe x3
Vote, comment, follow, kiss a dinosaur, wait what..... Byyyyye
           ~Addymac :P

The heart of a Detective (LxReader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora