Chapter 9 100%

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WARNING: this chapter contains adult language.

---Regular P.O.V.---

L was the first to arrive back at the tower. His clothes were soaking wet which created a trail of water wherever he went; and also leaving a large pool of water in the elevator. He seemed to slouch more than normal, and his eyes were locked onto the ground. The elevator began rising as it buzzed with each passing level. The elevator slowed its motion until it came to a complete stop and opened its door. L had barely stepped out of the elevator when his back collided with a nearby wall.

"L you little ass!" Light yelled at the man as he gripped his shirt.

"Ryuzaki," the pale man corrected in a raspy voice. His black hair covered his dull eyes, his voice and face portraying no emotion.

"I don't care what your fucking name is," Light seethed, "you're a low life idiot. I thought you were supposed to be the smartest detective known to man. How can you claim that title if you're stupid enough to play around with women?" ((Says you Mr. I kissed Reader-chan while somewhat dating Misa))

L didn't respond to this, causing Light's temper to double. "What do you have to say for yourself dammit?! You've broken (y/n)!" He shouted and pulled Ryuzaki away from the wall, only to slam him against it once more.

L remained still. He didn't shout back, nor did he yelp at the connection with the wall. His body was actually quite numb. What no one knew was that you had broken him as well. Your words stabbed him in the heart and you had left him to bleed. After you left L in the rain, everything inside of him turned off. He was like a blank piece of paper. He was confused as to why he had kissed you. But he was even more confused as to why he kissed Ilene. Did it really hurt you? Did you truly hate him? The detective really didn't know. He had never been good with romantic things so he did his best to not get too involved with women. But here he was, pressed against the wall, his mind swirling and his heart aching.

"Tch stay away from (y/n)," Light said, cutting into L's thoughts, and releasing the man. Light turned and walked away, leaving L to himself.

"Not a chance," he whispered and sunk down to the floor.

~~~time skip to the next morning~~~

You woke up when you felt something flick your head. "Mmmm," you groaned and swatted the hand away.

"(Y/n)," a somewhat deep voice said, followed by another flick to your head.

"Ugh what?" You shouted and sat up abruptly, coming nose to nose with a certain detective. Your eyes widened, "L? What are you doing here?!"

L smiled slightly, "I see you got over your cold. Watari's soup always helps."

"Watari's soup?" You questioned and scooted backwards, putting a bit of space between you and Ryuzaki.

L nodded, "Watari and Light made the soup that you ate last night."

"Oh," you said. Silence settled in between the two of you, making it quite awkward. You were still angry with L but you didn't have the heart to push him out of your room. "Why can't I do it?" You whispered to yourself.

"Do what?" L questioned and got close to your face again.

You blushed and looked away, "nothing." The detective placed two fingers under your chin and made you look into his dark eyes. They seemed to be filled with sadness and confusion.

"Ryuzaki, is everything alright?" You asked. Without a word, the man pulled you into a tight embrace. His arms held you protectively as he buried his face into your (h/c) hair. "R-Ryuzaki?"

"Tell me the truth," he whispered, "tell me why you left. Tell me how you felt. Tell me how you feel now."

Your eyes watered. Your arms wrapped around his torso as you laid your forehead against his chest. "I left because I couldn't believe what you and Ilene shared together... The kiss I mean. You've been spending every last second with that girl and never even looked at me. I was invisible next to Ilene and I started to think that maybe you didn't kiss me because you liked me. Maybe you just wanted to mess around with me. I was just so angry... I don't know I just left. I didn't intend on coming back, that is until you found me," you explained, "but right now... Right now I don't know what I'm feeling. It's a mixture of so many emotions. I feel so enraged that you're here, but at the same time I'm glad to be in your arms."

"Did you really mean what you said yesterday? Do you truly hate me..." L asked softly.

"No," you stated and hugged him tighter.

"Miss (y/n), it seems as though I've developed some type of new feeling. I feel as though I always want to be by your side. You're the first person in years to make me genuinely smile. I'm happy when I'm around you but I do so many confusing things when I'm with you as well. I find myself staring at your stunning features and my cheeks begin to heat up. My heart stops for a moment every time you smile and your laugh seems to blow away all the worries of the world. I find my mind wander to you every time I'm alone, or doing anything for that matter. I don't know what happened with Ilene and I. I was just so blinded and I assure you that I never intended to hurt your feelings. I do know however that your words yesterday struck me hard, shocking me even, and I remember a wave of sadness wash over me. I felt empty and numb, without a purpose and alone."

There was a long pause. L's arms had pulled you closer and it felt like he was trying to say something else. The detective held onto your shoulders and pushed you back gently so he could see your face clearly. You stared into the man's dark eyes as he stared into your (e/c) ones.

"(Y/n)..." His voice was soft and shook slightly, "I... I think I'm in love with you."

Your eyes widened, not believing a word he just said.

"What if I said I loved you? Would you feel better then?" The words played in your head, giving you the feeling that he was just toying with you again.

"Don't play with my feelings. You can't just throw the word love around like it's meaningless! I know you want everything to go back to normal between us, like you implied yesterday, but using the word love is not going to fix anything!" You bursted with anger, causing a frown to form on the pale man's face.

He quickly cupped your cheeks in his hands and rammed his lips onto yours. His kiss felt loving yet desperate, desperate for you to believe him and for you to return his feelings. You reluctantly kissed back, getting lost in the process. L's soft lips kissed you passionately as he pulled you closer to himself. He begged for entrance, which you granted after a while, and soon began roaming your mouth. L tasted just as sweet as all the candy he ate, with a hint of strawberries. You combed your fingers through his raven-colored locks as he lightly brushed his fingers down one of your arms, giving off an electric feeling with every movement. Sadly, you both had to part for air. A pink tint dusted your cheeks as you looked up at the detective once more.

"I love you (y/n)," he said softly, "I am now 100% sure."

You stared into L's eyes and felt your stomach flip. You realized that no matter how angry you were at him for what he did and no matter how much your brain told you that he could be lying... He was telling the truth. You embraced him, wrapping your arms around him tightly and whispered, "I love you too."


Awwwww so cuuuute and... Somewhat heated. He.he. It won't get too heated... Unless of course my reader-chan wants it to be. *wiggles eyebrows*

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Vote, comment, and follow if you'd like. Till next time!
-Addymac (^∇^)

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