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A/N: I want to start making my own names. Even though when I try to come up with names they sound better in my head or they sound unique and weird...

Cassie's POV
I shifted as soon as I left the house yesterday. I ran all the way to the meeting place. It took me about 25 minutes because it was out of the Alpha's territory. "You were almost late." The guy that would make my dreams come true said as I laughed nervously. "Almost but im not late." I said as he clicked his tounge. He's an ass hole but I really need his help! "So are you going to call him or what?" I asked irritated at how long he was taking as he smiled. "Don't rush me fool." He said as he dialed Eito's number. I felt butterflies in my stomach as soon as I heard Eito sob into the phone! Damn he's such a little wimp. "No matter who you get to protect him, im coming after him. Oh and Eito-chan~ you might want to call your mother." He said as he hung up. "Woah I didn't tell you to hurt his family!" I shouted as he smirked. It was a smirk that sent shivers down my spine. "I didn't hurt anyone, just want to mess with him. He has a cute voice, it's cuter when he's scared though." He said as I sighed. He's so weird.
"So what do I call you? You've never told me your name before." I said as we walked towards the territory together. "Starting right now I'm your boyfriend, Silver Lakemore." He said as I suddenly stopped. W-what?! This ass wants to be my boyfriend?! Well I can't blame him I am sexy~ "Don't think too much about it. I just need to get closer to the target." He...Silver said as I started to walk again.
Silver's POV
She's a useless bitch to be honest. The rest of the way there she wouldn't shut the hell up. She just kept going on and on about how "ugly" Eito was. But seriously, why would she call me and ask me to do this if he was ugly? I think she knows it herself that he's not but I don't feel like telling her because she'll just bitch about it. We got into the territory and I knew they could sense or smell I didn't belong.
About five tough and strong wolves appeared almost instantly. "Guys chill, this is my boyfriend." Cassie said proudly as I smiled. They growled and one shifted into a guy,a guy with a nice build if I might add. I must've been drooling while she was talking because she hit me on the side. Bitch. "Yeah, I'm her boyfriend." I said sadly as the guys shifted. "Yup, that's an answer only Cassie's boyfriend would answer if he's ever seen her mad." One said as she growled. I laughed and we all started walking up to their pack house. "I still can't believe you already have a boyfriend." The strongest of them said as she laughed. "Silver always liked me, I just always told him no in case I was the future luna. But Eito is now so it's ok." She said and I could see the hatred in her eyes before she smiled. Scary~
We arrived at the pack house and a guy stormed out and tackled me to the ground hard. "Oww." I said as he sat on my stomach and smiled at me. Now who might this cutey be? He had cute honey brown ears popping out of his head that matched his hair and tail. I was lost in his lust filled eyes when I heard someone clear there throat. Guess who, yup the bitching queen. "Lance sweetie, get off my boyfriend." Cassie said sweetly but harshly at the same time. I could see the disappointed and sadden look in his eyes as he got off and ran into the house. Damn he looks sexy with that sad expression.
Cassie clung to my arm and lead me inside to what I suppose is the living room. There was a couple siting on the couch together. The smaller one siting on the bigger ones lap. "Who the hell is that?" The bigger one spat as I smirked. I felt Cassie try to hide her presence so I stepped up. Can't let her fuck up the plan before I even have my fun. "I'm her boyfriend, is now not a good time?" I asked as the bigger one sighed and looked at me shocked. "Yeah, this is my boyfriend Silver. He confessed after you started dating Eito." Cassie said as a stronger presence entered the room. He looked older and more muscular than guys his age should be. Must be the Alpha. "I thought I said no outsiders until we find out who called Eito." He said in a deep voice as I smiled. "What happened with Eito?!" Cassie said acting when we all knew she doesn't give two fucks. Good acting though.
So the Alpha explained what happened to Eito and we explained how we were dating. He smiled and welcomed me but told me I wasn't allowed to leave until the culprit was found. I told him I lived by myself and im out of school, which is true, so that wasn't a problem. I got to talk to everyone in the house and build my new status and even chatted with Katashi and Eito. I should've known the smaller male from earlier was Eito from how adorably he was trembling in his mates arms, but my mind was on that Lance guy...

A/N: Ohh shit! Who's Lance, What's "Silver" planning, and who made Cassie such a bitch?! Find out more when I update XD

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