ceremonial times and good news

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Eito's POV
I stood on Katashis side as people started arriving. We both had to get up early and make sure everything was prepared for today.
I was dressed in a suit and so was Katashi. His white hair was styled perfectly and his suit hugged his body greatly. He looked down at me with his blue eyes sparkling with joy as I blushed and looked away.
  "What's wrong?" He asked concerned as I giggled.
   "Nothing right now. Im just admiring how good you look before I start getting nervous." I admitted as he smiled and held only my hand.
  "There's no need to get nervous while I'm here with you. No one would ever laugh at you, because they know how scary it would be to be up there in front of everyone. They might even think you're brave for going up there anyway." He told me as he squeezed my hand reassuring me.
   I smiled at him and he started to walk over to people with me at his side. I was kind of hiding shyly by him while he greeted people until I started realizing how nice everyone was.
  I smiled at an older couple that brought two pups with them.
  "They're so cute." I told them as they smiled at me. The pups were twins and they were so cute!!! They were wrapped in blankets and each one was being held carefully.
  "Thank you, they're our grandchildren. Their parents couldn't make it tonight and we were invited so we brought them along." The older man told me as I smiled at the pup he was holding.
  "Im glad you could make it Mr. and Mrs.Woodlan." Katashi said while shaking the older mans hand and smiling at his wife.
  When they walked away and I stared at them until they were out of sight.
  "You really like pups huh?" Katashi said to me as I nuzzled into his side.
   "Im just happy seeing them, my mom's due any day now and im anxiously waiting to have our own." I told him as he kissed my forehead. My face flushed red instantly and he chuckled.
   "I can't wait to have a family with you too." He told me as he wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me. I never want this moment to end.
   "It's time to go up on stage." He said as I sighed. I spoke too soon.
     I trembled as he grabbed my hand and lead me up the stage in the center of everything. People around us got quiet as soon as Katashi took the microphone.
     "Thank you all for coming. I'm glad you all made it here safely. It is such an important day for everyone here today. I mated with my beautiful mate Eito, your new Luna." He announced as Everyone cheered loudly. My bunny ears dropped down from the loudness to block out some of the noise. (A/N he has his bunny appearance but he can shift into a wolf or bunny since he has his parents codominant genes)
  He rubbed my back as he continued to talk. I didn't really understand half of what he was saying so I zoned out. It was only until his father and mother got on the stage as well and began to crown us as Alpha and Luna did I start to understand what was going on.
  I blushed as his mom leaned in and hugged me.
  "You look so beautiful. You'll be a great Luna." She said as I smiled.
   "Thank you. It'll be hard work." I said smiling as she began to tear up. Katashis dad whispered something in his ear before crowning him and leading his wife away.
    More cheers erupted and soon we got off the stage.
    A lot of people started crowding katashi and telling him congratulations. I walked around getting some people congratulate me as well, but certainly not as much as he got.
  After a while I went to a table filled with snacks. I grabbed a little piece of cake and it looked amazing. As I was eating it I moaned at the greatness that is cake.
  "Eito!" I heard someone yell as I jumped. I turned around to see Rico and who I guessed to be his mate Ashley.
   He hugged me and I laughed. After trying to get him off of me I introduced myself to Ashley. She was gorgeous and I felt like we would be great friends.
    Me and Rico started talking about what we missed when I heard him suddenly gasp. I turned around and saw Ashley eating a bunch of cake and sneaking some chocolates in her purse.
   "Bad Ashley! You're a lady!" He scolded his mate as she stuck her tongue out at him. I giggled then she hissed at him and ran to get more food. Her personality is as amazing as her looks.
   "Sorry about her. She just really loves food. I told her I'd buy her a pizza if she came with me and her dad." He said laughing as I laughed too.
    "Well it really is great seeing you. You should come hang out with me more!" I said as his tail wagged.
   "Maybe at school. I doubt your mate would let his new Luna hang around a guy alone." He joked as I lightly punched him.
    "A mated guy! So there shouldn't be a problem." I said as he hugged me again.
    "I really did miss you buddy." He told me as I teared up.
     "I missed you too." I said as I hugged back. Suddenly a certain someone cleared their throat and we both let go. It was Katashi and next to him was Ashley who had her hand on her hip and bag stuffed.
      "I'll see you later. Congrats!" Rico said as he lead Ashley to the dancefloor.
     "You really are stunning. I'm going to have to keep my eyes on you all night." Katashi said as we danced the rest of the night away.
      While everyone was cleaning up I got a phone call from my dad saying my mother was in labor. I rushed over there with Katashi and his parents just in time to see my new siblings. They were absolutely the cutest babies I've ever seen.
    Katashis parents complemented my mom and dad who were so proud. Then my mom mumbled something like he's never having babies again. I smiled and held onto two of the four of my new siblings. I wish my babies will get here soon.



Eito's story (BXB) {COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang