Degrading Remarks

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"Your men are rag-heads." -.-

"Aladdin is proof that you guys are THIEVES." -.-

"God put you guys in the desert because he wants you to suffer from the heat with no water." -.-

"Sand-niggers." -.- (Please excuse the N word and never use it).

"Your men wear dresses." -.-

"Go to Saudi Arabia so they can cut your hands off." -.-

"Uncivilized animals." -.-

"Sub-humans." -.-

"Camel jockeys." -.-

"Arab men are sexist pigs." -.-

"You must love honor killings!" -.-

"Aren't all your women belly dancers whose job is to PLEASURE men? WHORES." -.-

"Arab? Oh, so that means you're Muslim. That's scary..." -.-

"So does your dad beat your mom up? That's normal in your culture, right?" -.-

"Savaged barbarians!" -.-

"Of course you guys have civil wars! All you do is love to kill!" -.-

"YOU come from a backwarded society." -.-

"You're just jealous of our western freedom!" -.-

"I can't wait until your oil finishes so you guys can become rotten!" -.-

Is that enough, or should I go on? .-.

Shout out to all educated non-Arabs who know to never generalize.


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