Hargeon; The City Where to Meet Others

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Edited on 30.11.18

(Y/n)'s POV

It's been a while since the accident of Lisanna's death. It's my fault, I know it is. I was so close to her and Elfman, but I wasn't close enough. Why the hell couldn't I save her?! Damnit! I thought, mentally hit a wall. I couldn't do anything! How the hell can I hell myself a wizard of Fairy Tail with my lack of skills to protect someone so close?!

"(Y/n), don't beat yourself on it. There was probably nothing you could've done. Please, just let it go. It's not good for your health. Isn't that right, Happy?" Natsu said.

"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed. I smiled softly and nodded.

"Okay, I'll try, Natsu. You know how I am with these kinds of things." I said.

"Yeah, yeah.. Don't worry about it!"

"Okay, okay! My god Natsu, you've never changed since you were little."

"And you haven't either!"

"Well, at least I've gotten some maturity in me, unlike you." I stuck my tongue out, pulling on my right eye to make a face towards him.

"Whatever.." Natsu pouted and looked away. I giggled softly, with a bit of heat coming onto my cheeks.

It's been awhile since we were alone like this.. Gray keeps trying to tag along with us cause he doesn't trust Natsu alone with me. I thought, looking at the sky. I wonder.. What would happen if I didn't meet Ur..? I'd probably be dead or be in a dark guild.

"And another thing, we have to catch a train to go—"

"—No! Anything but a train, car, boat, canoe, ship—"

"I'm sorry Natsu, but if we want to find the Salamander, we have to get the train! Right Happy?"

"Aye, sir!"

"Who's side on you on, Happy?!" Natsu asked.

"Don't you want to find Igneel?" Happy asked. Natsu sighed and nodded.

"Yeah.." Natsu muttered.

"Let get going then, Natsu!" I said, grabbing his hand and walked to the train station. Before walking, I thought I saw Natsu have a shade of pink on his cheeks, but I probably just imagined it.

Natsu's POV

(Y/n) has grown up so much. Well, not really. She's still short. She nearly reaches my chin. It's adorable. Adorable? Snap out of i! You're her friend, don't think like that. She probably doesn't feel the same anyways. I thought, looking down.

"We're here!" I snapped out of my thoughts with (Y/n).

"Please get me out of here!" I yelled out, only to have my motion sickness slowly taking me over.

"Natsu clam down!" (Y/n) tried to reassure me. As I was about to get off the train when someone's arms when around my body, hugging me tightly. I started to blush when I see the arms around me. It's (Y/n). "You want to find Igneel, right? Well, try to over come your motion sickness. Come on, you are the son of Ingeel - The Fire Dragon. You can do this, I know you can." (Y/n) said softly.

"(Y/n)..." I mumbled. When the train started to move, motion sickness took over. I fell to the ground, wanting to throw up.

I heard (Y/n) giggle and said, "Now you can't leave, when if you wanted to. But I'll be right here, next to you. And Happy will be here with us."

"Aye, sir! We just have to wait for a little while and we'll make it to Hargeon."

"I won't make it. I'll die before we even get there."

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