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Walking back towards Gray, Happy and Lucy, I sat down next to Lucy and looked at Gray's expression. "Gray, what's wrong? You don't have that face until something bad happened." I asked.

"You think something bad happened?" Lucy added, hugging her legs.

"Someone's on their way home." Gray sighed, his body shaking a bit.

"Who?" Natsu walked towards Gray. The moment he say his expression, Natsu's face had gone pale. "N-No way.. She's coming back?!"

"I'm sorry, who?"

It then it me, causing me to shriek in excitement. "Yes! Ezra's gonna be home!" I yelled out, my arms in the air as I laid down on the ground. I was so happy to know that Ezra's back. It's been awhile since we've hung out. I miss it.

"The Erza?!"

Nodding, I sat up and faced Lucy to see her shocked expression. "Yeah! She's gonna love you! She's so powerful, I can barely handle her magic!"

"She's scary.." Both Natsu and Gray mumbled, his faces becoming pale.

"Oh shut up. The both of you are just jealous that she's the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail." I stated.

A shadow dispel wizard kidnapped the demon dragon slayer known as (Y/n). As (Y/n) was taken away, she was held captive to a dark guild. She would get hit and kicked at if she tried to run off or fight back. The person who kidnapped her was Kageyama.

As soon as the trio and Happy got back to the guild, Natsu wanted to tell Gramps everything that happened between the night when (Y/n) told Natsu about her past to what happened recently. Sadly, he wasn't there. But when Erza got there, Natsu was able to tell her what happened to their closest friend and soon-to-be-girlfriend. Erza quickly filled Natsu, Grey, Happy and Lucy about what she heard and suspected that (Y/n) was tied to Lullaby somehow.

Soon enough, Lucy told them that Lullaby is a death song. And since (Y/n) had the rare demon dragon slayer blood in her, she's considered half demon and half human. If the Lullaby flute is used and (Y/n) is there, the only way to destroy it is if they either get (Y/n) and stop Eisenwald or kill their friend whom would be connected to Lullaby.

Natsu refused to kill his soon-to-be-girlfriend. Grey, Erza, Happy and Lucy also agreed with Natsu on letting (Y/n) die. There was no way they would let that be a possibility.

At the arrival to Oshibana Station, Natsu told them that he remembered seeing (Y/n) there with someone from Eisenwald. With that, he earned a hoot slap from Erza, telling him that the man with (Y/n) was their target. Natsu was confused since he was knocked out cold when Erza explain.

Then they were greeted with a tied up (Y/n) and the whole guild of Eisenwald. And so, the fight for (Y/n)'s live began the very minute they've entered.

"Natsu! Grey! Erza! Lucy! Happy!" (Y/n) shout, having bruises and and cuts on her face and body.

"(Y/n)!" They all shouted. Natsu looked at her and immediately got fired up from how she was.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" Natsu shouted.

"Punished her... What else?" Kageyama answered.

"You! You were on the train! And you hit (Y/n) when she tried to reach for me!"

"Yeah I remember you. Not hard to forget a fairy like you. And she's pretty hot when she's helpless. I may make her mine. Also, I'm gonna make you pay for getting me in trouble with Erigor."

That comment threw Natsu to the edge of his anger. But, out of the blue, (Y/n) got loose to started to fight back, without using her magic. Punching left and right, dodging their hits, it was exhausting from the hurt and pain she was given. She then started to run to Natsu, while Natsu ran to her. But, as they were close to grab each other, a shadow was wrapped around (Y/n)'s body, pulling her to the person who had her in her place.

"Now now, don't ruin the fun, not now. We have some business to attend to." Erigor said, who is on top a pole.

"Erigor! Tell us what you're going to do with our friend and the Lullaby flute!" Erza shouted.

"It's really simple really!" Erigor said, as he flew off the pole and got (Y/n). "We plan to broadcast the lullaby flute out and play it. Well, your friend there is going to play it, taking up her whole magic energy. She'll die from it."

"Not on my watch! Put her down!" Natsu said.


"Hang on, (Y/n). We'll get you got of here!"

"Th-that ans-answer to y-you-your ques-question... I-I'd lo-love to..." (Y/n) said softly, smiling softly at him while tears were streaming down her cheek.

Natsu just look at her, knowing what questions she was talking about. He was mentally smiling widely, but really, he just wanted to save his girlfriend.

"Thanks for the answer, (Y/n). But your life is more important right now. We're gonna getting her back!" Natsu said, clenching his hand into a fist.

Erigor just stared to laugh. "Then you'll fight to see her again, you little fairies! I'll leave the rest to you! Show them the power of Eisenwald!" And with that, Erigor and (Y/n) disappeared.

"(Y/n)!" (Y/n)'s comrades yelled out.

"Natsu, Grey, go after Erigor The Reaper and get (Y/n) back. If you two fight together, not even Erigor the reaper can defeat you.." Erza commanded. Natsu and Grey just looked at one another pissed off about that plan.

"WHAT DID I SAY?!" Erza shouted.

"Aye!" Both Grey and Natsu said, running off to find Erigor.

Two people from Eisenwald went after them as Erza, Lucy and Happy stayed to fight off the rest of the Eisenwald guild.

Natsu's POV

Damn it, (Y/n). You answer the question at the worse time possible. You're all beaten up. You fought back to come to us. And I was so close to get you... I could've gotten you if I knew that would happen.

"Damn it..." I muttered out while running.

"What?" Grey asked.

"I could've gotten her... But I didn't..."

"Natsu, there was no way we could've known that what just happened happen. And what was that question she was talking about?"

"None of your business, ice princess."

"What'd you call me, dumbass?!"

We started to bump heads but quickly realized that there was no time for it.

"We have to get her back..."

"I know, Natsu. We all know that. We don't want her to leave and we're not gonna let that happen."

We stopped, seeing that there's two hallway.

"The first one to find Erigor and (Y/n) wins. Deal?" Grey said, looking at me.

I looked back at him, smiling. "Deal."

"Just don't die on me..." Grey mumbled, I think.

"What was it, Grey?"

"Nothing.. Later, Flamehead." And with that, Grey ran off to the right hallway.

What's up with him...? I thought. I shook my head and started to run to the left hallway. I will find you, (Y/n). And you will live...

Dragon Slayer Protector (NatsuXReader) <BOOK 1>Where stories live. Discover now