My Guy

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August 5, 1964

Lexington, Kentucky

My name is Charlotte Atkins and today is my eighteenth birthday. I was born to Alice and Jonathan Atkins. My father was a World War Two veteran. He does not talk about it much. My dad married my mother soon after the war was over. Around November of 1946, my mother found out that she was pregnant with me. I am African American. I have long black curly hair, almond-colored skin and hazel eyes. I have two younger sisters. Francine is fourteen, she is a tomboy. My mother could never keep her in a dress. And then there is Josephine (she goes by Josie). She is sixteen. I don't like being the oldest. There is too much responsibility, I can hear my mother saying as I am getting ready for school "Charlotte you are the oldest, you need to look out for your sisters." I am attending Lafayette High School. I went to Douglass High School last year. I liked Douglass much better than Lafayette. Lafayette was the first school in Fayette County to let a colored student attend classes.

I lived within walking distance of Lafayette High School. Josie and I walk to school together. Francine still goes to Douglass. As we were walking to school, I noticed the house across the street had a moving van in the driveway. The house had been empty for several months. As I was walking by the house, I saw a handsome looking guy. He was about five foot nine and had brown eyes and had curly chestnut brown hair. I could barely look away. He noticed that I was staring and he smiled and waved at me. I felt like the world was barely moving. There was only one problem wrong with him and it was that he was white. But I didn't care, he was to die for. I guess Josie noticed that what I was staring at. "Have you lost your mind Charlotte?" She asked. I just looked at her and pretended I did not know what she was talking about. " What are you talking about Josie?" I said with a smile on my face. My sister just looked at me didn't say anything. The rest of the walk to school was a quiet one. When we got to school, my sister ran off with her friends. I had gotten to my locker when I noticed that my boyfriend Robert Cook was waiting for me by my locker. Robert was a nice guy, although I didn't have feelings for him. My mother had set us up on a date. She was afraid that I was spending too much time reading and not enough time socializing. Robert lives down the street from me. I am going steady with him just to please my mother. " Hello Charlotte you look very pretty today, I like the blouse you are wearing." I just looked at him, I am trying to be civil towards him. "Thank you very much Robert," I replied. I started to turn around when Jack Holmes purposely ran right into me. "Stay out of my way, " he said with a sneer. Then he said something which made my cheeks turn bright red and my stomach turn.

Jack's friends were standing there laughing at what he had said. Jack was a handsome looking guy, although he had a heart made of stone. I didn't understand how someone could be filled with such hatred towards another race. I just pretended like what he said he did not bother me or affect me.

Robert started to say something when the bell rang. I headed to my American Literature class. I loved my American Literature class. This year we are going to read "Why Can We Wait" by Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. I sat in the back row next to one of my best friends. Nadine Webster and I have been friends since the first grade. I also see Delores Cooper, she is another one of my best friends. My teacher, Miss Jones was not in class yet. I turned around and started talking to Delores and Nadine. " So what are you going to do for your birthday?" asked Nadine. "I think my mother is planning a surprise party. I overheard her talking to my father about picking up some supplies." I said with a smile.

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