Chapter Twenty-Four

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James's POV

August 7, 1967

Around four o'clock, James looked at his watch. James kissed his wife on the cheek. He needed to get ready to meet his bowling league. James loved bowling, but he was hoping that he wouldn't run into Kimberly Groves again. The last time that James went bowling, he ran into her. He had heard from one of his buddies at the law firm, that she had been married three times since they graduated from high school. He hadn't told his wife about running into Kimberly. He thought that his wife had been feeling better lately. She had even started going back to college to finish her nursing degree. James got into his Ford Fairlane. He heading down South Limestone Street and he went to Jack Holmes' house and picked him up.

Jack had to run back into his house and grab his bowling bag. He kissed Sasha on the cheek and told his children goodbye. James was happy to see Jack, he hadn't seen Jack in a few months. Jack hopped into the passenger seat. After he got into the car, he pulled out a pack of Camel cigarettes and lit one up. James looked over at his friend and started coughing and he could speak, he said, "When did you start smoking? Don't know that those things are going to kill you." Jack grinned sheepishly and he took one more puff, flicked the cigarette and tossed it out of the car. James' bowling league had decided to go to the bowling alley on Southland Drive. James had never been there before. James parked his car and went to the back seat and
he grabbed his bowling bag. The parking lot was quite full. When James and Jack went inside, they both saw Kimberly Groves sitting in a chair watching people bowl.

James nudged Jack and pointed to Kimberly and told him to distract her. Jack sauntered over toward Kimberly and sat down next to her. " Well fancy meeting you here Kimberly, it's been awhile since I have had the pleasure of being in the same place as you." Jack said with a grin. Kimberly turned around and gave him a dirty look. Oh, she hadn't changed a bit since high school, in fact she was just as nasty and cruel as ever. With a sickly sweet voice, Kimberly faced Jack and started talking to him. "Why if isn't Jack Holmes, I haven't seen you in forever. How's the wife and kids? Heard that you married that half-breed Sasha. When I heard that you had married her, I thought to myself, why he could do so much better than that." stated Kimberly.

Jack didn't say anything and got up from his chair and walked back towards James. A couple hours later, the rest of the bowling league never showed up. James and Jack decided to call it a day and they left to go home, James dropped Jack back at his house and James went back home. When he got home, Charlotte was still at her parents' house. For some reason James felt very tired, although he hadn't done much and decided to go to bed early, it was a good idea since he had to get up early the next day for work. But before he went to bed, he decided to work on the case that he had been assigned. James had only been working Hughes, Cooper and Associates for a few months, but he had already been assigned to a high- profile murder case. He grabbed the portfolio with his notes in it, off the nightstand and decided to look over it at the kitchen table. James was a defense attorney for a man who had been accused off murdering his wife, and chopping up her body with an axe. James poured over the notes. He needed to figure out what he was going to say for his opening statement. Honestly he wasn't convinced of his client's innocence, but according the law, Harold "Harry" Adkisson was innocent until proven guilty. James worked on his opening statement for an hour, but he quit once Charlotte got home. He made the point of not involving Charlotte in his work.

James looked up at his wife when she walked through the door. James asked his wife, " How was your dinner with your parents?" Charlotte animatedly told her husband about her visit. "You wouldn't believe how big Jennifer is getting. I can't believe that she will 2 in three days. She tried saying my name, but it came out sounding like "Aunt Chocolate". Josie thinks the name is going to stick, until Jennifer figures out how to say my name correctly." I am surprised that you are already home. I figured that you and Jack would still be out bowling." James told his wife about what had happened at the bowling alley. Although he left out seeing Kimberly, but somehow Charlotte already knew about it. "I heard from Josie that Kimberly Groves is back in town. She said that she ran into her at Winn-Dixie. Supposedly she didn't recognized Josie at all." Charlotte told her husband. James looked at his wife, and he decided to Charlotte about his encounter with Kimberly. Charlotte didn't say anything and she just listened. When James got done talking, Charlotte told him "I am just glad that you told me about it." James decided that he was going to get to bed early. So around 9 pm, he kissed his wife on the cheek and headed to bed. He changed into his sleeping clothes. He put on a white t-shirt and a pair blue cotton shorts. After he got in bed, he picked up the red alarm clock that was sitting on the bed side table next to his side of the bed. He set his alarm for 4:30 am. He needed to be in the office the next day at 6 am. Charlotte decided to go to bed around 11 o'clock. She was glad that she didn't have any classes the next day. James tossed and turned for several hours, the last time he looked at his alarm clock, it said that it was 11:30.

The next day James was exhausted from little sleep. He got up and showered and got dressed for work. Charlotte was still in bed asleep, and he kissed her on the cheek before he left the room. James walked into the kitchen, and decided to fix himself a scrambled egg and some sausage for breakfast. He also decided to fix his lunch take with him. He left his house around 5:40 and headed to work. When James got to work, his boss Mr. Hughes was sitting in his office. Normally Mr. Hughes would be sitting in his office smoking a cigar, and he would be reading the Lexington Leader newspaper. But today was different, Mr. Hughes was pacing around his office. When James walked by Mr. Hughes's office, he yelled at James. "Williamson, get in my office, right now!" James walked with haste to his boss's office. When he walked into his boss's office, he noticed a familiar face sitting in Mr. Hughes's office. It was Kimberly Groves. Before he could say anything, Mr. Hughes started to talk. "Williamson, it is about time you had a secretary. This is Kimberly and she is going to be your new secretary. Now get out of my office and close my door". James couldn't believe that Kimberly was his secretary. He hoped that she just stayed out of his way and left him alone. He walked back to his office and he sat down and began reading the notes to the Adkisson case. He had been reading for a few minutes, when Kimberly walked in. James tried to ignore, but it didn't work. He looked up, but he ended up staring at her chest. For some reason, she was wearing a tight red dress, that made her look a bit more busty. "What do you need Ms. Groves? I am in the middle of something right now. If it can wait until later, then please come back. I really can't be bothered right now". Kimberly just laughed and smiled. She said,"So how are you doing James, I really didn't get to talk to you when I saw you at the bowling alley. How are you doing? I see that you are married. I hope that your wife won't mind what I am about to do." James looked confused when Kimberly close the blinds in his office. James started say something when Kimberly walked over and kissed James before anything he could say anything about it. James thought about pulling away but he didn't. It wasn't until Mr. Hughes walked in, did he stop. "Mr. Hughes, I am so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." Mr. Hughes just smiled and said, "Boys will be boys" before he walked out of the office. Kimberly started to kiss James again, but he stopped her. James didn't notice that she had left a lipstick stain on his collar.

Uh-Oh!! Looks like James is in trouble. Sorry that it took so long to update this book. I started my first semester of college and it has been 8 years since I graduated from high school. I was crazy busy with trying to juggle school and work. I am going to try and post another chapter before I go back to school in January. Enjoy and please vote.

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