Let It Be Me

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Charlotte tried to break free of her bonds. "Help, somebody help us!" yelled Nadine and James. They yelled until their voices were hoarse. "It is no use, the school is probably locked by now and everyone has probably gone home," Charlotte said dismally. The teens struggled to get their bonds loose. After a while, Charlotte heard something outside of the bathroom door. "Everyone be quiet. I think someone is coming." Charlotte said. The bathroom door opened and someone looked inside the bathroom. "Please help us!" James cried out. Principal Marshall stopped for a few seconds and walked into the bathroom. As soon as he turned the corner he saw his students lying on the bathroom floor. He rushed over to them and started untying them and he took off their blindfolds. "What happened to y'all?" He asked sincerely. James told the principal what had happened and what his cousin and his friends had done. Principal Marshall listened attentively. "I am going to talk to Jack and his friends tomorrow after school." He said. We walked out of Lafayette High School. I was starting to get dark. Nadine and Delores walked home and James drove me home. When he dropped me off before I got out of the car he kissed me on the cheek. I walked up the stairs and into the house. When I got inside my mother was sitting in a rocking chair reading. She looked up when I walked in. "Where have you been? I have been worried sick because you didn't show up after school. Your sisters didn't even know where you were. I called Nadine and Delores' parents and they hadn't shown up after school as well." Charlotte told her mother everything that had happened and did not leave out a single detail. Her mother looked like she was going to cry. Charlotte's father walked in and he heard what had happened. My father was usually a soft-spoken person but today he was angry. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SOMEONE DID THAT TO YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS." I thought he was going to go over to Jack's house but he didn't. I went to the kitchen and ate my dinner. I went over to James' house after I ate. He was reading Why Can't We Wait. He looked nice. I walked into his living room and sat down. I started to say something at the same time as he started to. "I am sorry for what happened back at school. It seems like I cause a lot of problems. I don't want to get you into trouble." Charlotte said apologetically.

James looked at his friend and just smiled. "I have to say that my life has been more exciting since I met you. You are an amazing person Charlotte Atkins and I am glad that I met you." She looked at her friend and smiled. She stayed over until her mother came over and told her it was time to go home. Charlotte went to bed happy and satisfied. A few days later she decided to go to with James to Woolworth's. Woolworth's was a department store. It also had a soda fountain in it. James held open the door for her. They walked into together. Everyone in the store stopped what they were doing and stared. Charlotte hesitated but she continued to walk. She sat down at the counter. James did the same as well. The sandy- haired teenager behind the counter looked at them and said. "She can't be in here." James looked at him with a look of disbelief. Charlotte did not move from the counter. "I said she has to go. Her kind is not allowed here. You can stay but she has to go. " The cashier said. At that moment, James and Charlotte decided to do something that would change them forever. Charlotte started ordering something from the menu. "I would like a hot fudge sundae with maraschino cherries and peanuts on top". She said politely. The young man behind the counter got off the stool he was sitting on and walked towards Charlotte. "Ma'am you are going to have to leave right now. " She looked at him and did something amazing. "I am not leaving until I get served. You can serve me and then I will be on my way or I will sit here until something happens." The teenager said boldly and with confidence. The customers sitting at the counter looked uncomfortable and upset. One of the male customers got up from the counter and walked over to Charlotte. He didn't say anything but when got close enough to her; he spat in her face as he walked out the door. A few more customers did the same thing as well. Charlotte didn't say anything to them while this was happening. About twenty minutes later the police walked into Woolworth's. James looked at Charlotte . He was about to tell her something when one of the police officers walked over to Charlotte and started talking to her. "You need to leave right now. You know you are not allowed to be here."

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