Chapter Eighteen

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July 23, 1967

Charlotte woke up around eight in the morning with a headache. She got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. Charlotte opened the medicine cabinet and began to search for a bottle of aspirin. "Where did that bottle go to? I know I saw it yesterday night." Charlotte walked back into the bedroom and she decided to ask her husband about the​ aspirin. James didn't know where it was, but he decided to help his wife look. He went in the bathroom and he opened the medicine cabinet and in the front was the bottle of aspirin. "Honey, come see what I found." James said with a smile. Charlotte walked into the bathroom and saw that her husband was holding up a pill bottle. Charlotte's cheeks turned red and she smiled sheepishly. She swallowed the pills and went in to the kitchen to start making breakfast. James decided to go ahead and go to church since Charlotte wasn't feeling well.
Charlotte decided to make her mother's Cinnamon Vanilla Pancakes and she cooked up some sausage. She saved some for James and put it in the Frigidaire. I decided to turn on the television. I was watching
when a news bulletin interrupted the program. The local news station started talking about a riot that had broken out in Detroit, Michigan. I sat there and l listened for awhile. After about an hour Charlotte got up and decided to take a walk. It was cool for a summer day in Kentucky. As Charlotte walked, she started thinking about how much her life had changed in the last four years. She was in such deep thought that she didn't hear her sister Francine saying her name. Francine walked over to her sister and tapped her on the shoulder. "Charlotte what are you doing? I have been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now." said Francine. Charlotte looked at her sister and started laughing. Francine and I continued to walk down the road towards Woodland Park. Francine started telling me about she had gotten a summer job babysitting for my friend Katherine Young. " You should see baby Geoff. He looks just like his dad. Same blue eyes and everything." "Katherine asks about you all the time. I figured you would have been over to see her and Charlie. Charlotte didn't have the heart to tell her sister that she was secretly envious of Katherine. Oh! how she wished to be a mother. She had prayed about it and it seemed like God was being silent. She had also distanced herself from Josie as well. She knew that it wasn't right but she just couldn't deal with the pain she felt. Francine continued on chatting about things going on in her life. She talked about how excited she was for school to start in September and her new boyfriend. " You have a boyfriend?" Charlotte said.
Francine rolled her eyes. "Yes I have a boyfriend. His name is Matthew Rogers and we have been dating for five months."
He is studying at Transylvania University to be a teacher. I laughed and continued on walking. About twenty seconds later, I heard a car behind me and it wasn't slowing down. I yelled for my sister to get on the sidewalk. Francine looked back at me and she hopped onto the sidewalk. I ran quickly across the street and to the sidewalk before the cherry red 1966 Ford Mustang hit me. I looked at the driver and he wasn't paying any attention. He was fiddling with the dial on the radio. When we finally got to Woodland Park, we decided to sit under a red oak tree. This particular oak tree had been in the park for at least two hundred years. I was glad to spend sometime with my sister. I decided to read a book. While I was sitting under the tree, I noticed a man walking toward me. From the distance he was walking from I couldn't tell who it was. But as he got closer to me, I realized who it was. The man was David Fox the Third.

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