Brown-Eyed Girl

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Life went on for Charlotte, but she yearned to go back to Lexington. She continued to work for Mrs. Dewey. Since Charlotte had gotten out of the hospital, her employer had changed for the better. Charlotte had read in the Cincinnati Enquirer about a woman named Mildred Loving who had married a man named Richard Loving. The reason why she was in the paper was because she was African American and her husband was Caucasian. Mildred had married her husband in Virginia, where it was one of states illegal to marry anyone outside of their own race. Mildred and Richard ended up getting arrested and they were asked to leave Virginia. Charlotte decided to write Mildred a letter. She hoped that she would hear something back from her. James had been keeping up to date with the war in Vietnam. He was afraid that he would be sent back again. It had taken him awhile to get to rid of the nightmares. And every once in awhile he would wake up in a cold sweat. He had gone to a psychiatrist and he had said James was shell-shocked. 

He told James that there was no cure for it. He gave him some tips to deal with it. Charlotte came home from the grocery store and she noticed that someone was in her apartment. She walked into the living room and noticed it was Jack and a pregnant Sasha. Charlotte was happy to them again. Sasha told Charlotte how they had to move from Kentucky because of the anti-miscengation law. They had moved to Columbus, Ohio. Sasha told was planning on going to college after the baby was born. It made Charlotte think about going back to college and getting her degree in nursing. 

Sasha seemed excited about being a mother. Charlotte got up from the powder blue couch that she was sitting and started to fix dinner. By the time James had gotten home, dinner was almost done. Sasha and Charlotte had cooked pork chops, roasted potatoes, grilled asparagus and for dessert they had made key lime pie. James came in and he kissed his wife on the cheek. James sniffed for a second and he smiled. "It smells amazing in here. I can't wait for dinner. When he thought his wife wasn't looking, he tried to take a pork chop. Charlotte turned around and saw him about to put it his mouth. She walked over to him and playfully smacked his hand. "You better put that down." she said. Charlotte and Sasha put the food on the table and they both called for their husbands to come and eat. Before they ate Jack prayed and then they started to eat. Charlotte couldn't believe how much Jack had changed since high school. Jack cleared his throat. "I have some really good news and I wanted to share with my friends. I moving back to Kentucky. I will be attending Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky."

James and Charlotte were surprised and happy for Jack, although they noticed that Jack only said that he would be moving to Kentucky. Charlotte decided to ask him about Sasha. "What about Sasha? Isn't she going with you to Kentucky?" Sasha looked at her husband and waited for his response. But when he didn't give one, Sasha got up from the table and stormed out of the room. Jack sighed softly. He threw down his cloth napkin and went to find his wife. Charlotte looked at her husband but did not say anything. She could hear Sasha and Jack arguing on the terrace. Charlotte picked up her plate and placed it in the sink. "I won't let you and our child be put danger. I know it is going to be hard but I am doing this for my family."

Jack said. Sasha and Jack came back into the apartment and sat back at the table. Charlotte grabbed the key lime pie from the Frigidaire. She started to slice it up. She was distracted and did not realize that she had nicked her finger. James looked at his wife and grabbed a towel and applied pressure to her finger. The key lime pie ended up being really good. Before Charlotte and James went to bed, Jack had a question to ask them. "I know that this is a big favor to ask of you, I was wondering if Sasha could stay with you until I finish school or the anti-miscgenation law changes?" 

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