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Chapter 2.

Dad woke me up at 8:00 this morning, leaving me with very little sleep. I had gotten home just a little before midnight, as the guys had promised my dad, but I didn't actually fall asleep until about 4:00. After I got home last night, Tae had kept me up messaging me on Facebook. She had asked for my number, but since I don't have texting on my phone, I just added her on Facebook.

We had talked about everything, and she had filled me in on most of the people in our grade. Tae, as I predicted was super outgoing and friends with just about everyone.

Prior to our 4 hour long conversation on Facebook, Tae and I also had some fun at Dairy Queen, where we had stopped for ice cream. She made everything way less awkward than I had anticipated by choosing to sit away from the two boys.

Tae and I really seemed to click as friends. She was the first person I'd talked to and had a lot in common with. Of course, she was also one of the first people I'd talked to who was about my age. I hadn't really had many opportunities to make friends.

Tae's dad is overprotective too. Turns out, her father is Rick, the police officer that my dad threatened to have escort me to the game if I wasn't back in time. Tae said he'd be just as bad as my dad if it weren't for Zach. Her dad trusts Zach to keep her out of trouble.

From what I'd gathered from everything she'd told me, Tae and Zach were super close. It was the kind of brother-sister friendship that had always made me wish I had a brother or sister. Zach had even agreed to help Tae keep Cade a secret from their dad, since apparently he would fly off the handle if he found out Tae was dating. I could definitely relate.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen, where my dad already had breakfast on the table. Eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice--it smelled amazing. Dad's cooking never failed to make my taste buds happy. I just wished he was around more and actually had time to cook.

"Good morning honey," Dad said with a warm smile. He was seated at the table with a newspaper in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee in the other. "Did you have fun last night with Tae?"

I smiled back at him, taking my seat at the table. The eggs on the plate in front of me smelled heavenly. "Yeah, I had a lot of fun. Tae is really cool," I answered. I wasn't sure if he was talking about the game, or going for ice cream afterwards. Either way, my answer was pretty much the same.

Dad laid the newspaper on the table and smiled. He seemed to like the fact that Tae and I were getting along well. "That's great. I'm glad to hear that. Tae will be a good influence on you." He paused a minute, thinking. "Only, don't get any ideas about a boyfriend. You're too young for that kind of thing. I don't care if all the other kids are doing it. You're 15 years old. You have other things in life you should be focusing on. I don't understand why Rick lets Tae have a boyfriend"

"Dad, stop it. It's not a big deal," I insisted.

"Promise me, Lilly," he said, holding my gaze.

I squirmed uncomfortably in my seat. This was incredibly awkward and unnecessary. "Whatever. I promise," I mumbled.

Dad smiled, apparently glad to have that out of the way. "So what did you think of the game last night?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, umm," I laughed awkwardly. I had watched the game and attempted to like it, but I didn't understand any of it. Watching a game in person instead of on T.V. didn't make it any easier to understand. "It wasn't bad. I didn't understand anything that happened, but from what I could tell, they all seemed to play well. You won, anyways."

Dad smirked. "It's nice to hear you understand football more than you ever have."

I smiled and looked down at the food on my plate. Dad and I never discussed football. Ever. He knew it wasn't really my thing, and that I couldn't possibly have cared less. I'd tried to enjoy football, but it just didn't entertain me. That being said, last night had actually been surprisingly fun.

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