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Before I start, I just want to address a few things. First of all, THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH for the 2,000 votes you have given this story! It means so much to me you have no idea! I don't understand why you all like it so much, but I'm glad you do! Keep being awesome!!

Secondly, recently I have gotten a few people saying they think Lilly needs to be older because she is only 15 and the 2 guys in the story that she has any romantic interest with at all are a junior and a senior. That's the point. If she were a senior, her dad wouldn't be so against her being with Luke or anyone for that matter. So please, if you don't like her being younger than them, just stop reading. Not trying to be rude, but her age isn't changing because that's whole point.

Anywaysss, I'm so thankful for all of you reading, voting, and commenting on my story. You guys are truly the best!! Enjoy this update!

Chapter 22.

I closed my eyes, listening to the soft classical music playing through my headphones. Classical music wasn't my favorite, but I listened to it occasionally when I needed to concentrate. I was in study hall, trying to finish up my science homework, and I was sitting alone. Again.

It had been over a month since I had last spoken to Kelsey. I had never intended to let our fight drag out so long, but somehow, we just never made up. At first, I had waited for her to apologize for messing up with my relationship with Evan. After a week and a half, that still hadn't happened, and I knew that it probably wasn't going to.

Kelsey could be stubborn, and although I suspected we were both tired of fighting, neither of us was willing to make the first move. She wasn't going to apologize, and I didn't feel like I had anything to apologize for.

Without Kelsey, school pretty much sucked. I had become much closer friends with Cassie and Nixi, but they were both older than me, so we didn't have many classes together.

I had a couple classes with Tae, and we were still pretty good friends, but since Tae and Kelsey were friends too, Tae was kind of caught in the middle of our fight. I hung out with Tae whenever she wasn't hanging out with Kelsey, but it wasn't the same. Nothing was as good as it had been, but I wasn't sure how to fix it.

Despite my awkward conversation with him, Dylan and I had become really good friends. In fact, in some ways, he was my best friend. Dylan was literally the only person who wasn't friends with someone who hated me. Tae was friends with Kelsey, and Cassie and Nixi were friends with Madison, so they sometimes ditched me to hang out with other people. But Dylan never did.

In the month since Kelsey and I had been fighting, Dylan and I had created a sort of standing date on Friday nights. Every Friday, he would come over to my house and we would watch a Disney movie. And sometimes, if I was having a really hard day, he would come over and we would just talk for hours. There was nothing even remotely romantic about it.

Dylan had become almost like an older brother to me, and I wasn't sure how I would manage if I didn't have Dylan to talk to. He was my constant. Fortunately, unlike Luke, he was only a Junior, so I would have him for another year before he left for college.
Luke—well, I wasn't quite sure where things stood with Luke. I suspected he liked me, but after everything he had put me through with Madison, I wasn't sure that was enough. He still treated me like a kid. I wanted to be his equal, and I didn't feel like that could ever happen.

Plus, with me and Kelsey fighting, I thought it would be kind of weird to date her cousin. Especially since our entire fight was basically because of our plan to get me together with Luke. If I started dating Luke, it would be a little like rubbing salt in open wounds. It just didn't make a whole lot of sense.

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