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Chapter 35.

Since my birthday and my dad giving me his blessing to date, I'd started hanging out with Luke more and more. We'd went on a few dates, shared a couple kisses, and I had felt myself starting to really fall for him. It had started to turn into something more than just a schoolgirl crush.

Now, one month later, my only complaint was that Luke had yet to ask me to be his girlfriend. It made me begin to worry that he didn't actually like me and that our whole relationship was really just in my head.

Dad hadn't said anything about our relationship, or lack thereof, but there were times were I could tell that he wanted to. It was hard for him to take a step back and let me control my life without stepping in.

I let out a deep breath that I hadn't realized I was even holding, as I took in my appearance in the mirror on the bathroom wall. My eyes locked onto the red number 15 on Luke's away jersey. Tonight was the big homecoming game against the Hillside Bears and Luke asked me if I wanted to wear his jersey.

It was a good sign that Luke wanted me to wear his jersey, right? If he didn't want to have relationship then he wouldn't be asking me to wear his jersey or picking me up for school everyday so I didn't have to go in when my dad did.

"Is everything okay?" Tae asked, pulling me out of my thoughts, as she entered the bathroom. She stopped in front of the sink next to me and let out a sigh, "Did something happen between you and Luke?"

I straightened up, shaking my head. Nothing happened between Luke and I, but that was the problem. He was taking me on different dates and asking me to things but we weren't official. "Everything's fine."

Tae crossed her arms over her chest, clearly not convinced. "Then why are you standing in front of the mirror just frowning at yourself?"

"I was just contemplating things in my head, that's all."

"Because that's what people do when they are totally fine," Tae muttered lowly. She sighed again, "Why don't you just tell me what's bothering you?"

I bit my lip. There was nothing to hurt by telling her my fears with Luke not feeling the same way, right? The only other person I'd expressed any concerns to was Dylan, so it might help to tell someone else; get it off my mind.

"Okay fine." I took a deep breath before turning to her and explaining everything that I was feeling. When I was done explaining Tae gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Well I can't tell you why he hasn't made things official, but I promise you that he does like you," Tae offered, attempting to set my mind doubts about Luke to ease. "He's asking you out and giving you his jersey on game days. I've known Luke since he became Zach's best friend back in elementary school, and trust me, he wouldn't be doing any of that if he didn't like you."

I shrugged, "But what if he is only being nice to me since I'm the coach's daughter?"

Tae shook her head viciously. "Luke can be a douche, don't get me wrong, but he's genuinely a good guy and he wouldn't just play you along for the sake of your dad-- even if he is his coach."

I nodded. Tae was probably right. I mean, why would a guy keep up a charade for over a month if he didn't like the girl?

"You're probably right.:"

Tae grinned, "Duh.:" Grabbing my hand, she began pulling me to the exit, "COme on, everyone is waiting for us at lunch."

I smiled. Today was supposed to be fun and exciting. I shouldn't spend it having doubts about a relationship, I should be enjoying my first homecoming instead. It was time for me to make the most out of the day.


The school day went by quickly once I had gotten Luke off my mind and before I knew it, it was kickoff and time for the game.

The stands were completely packed full on the students and parents bleachers and even the stands for the other school were almost full. Their was so much energy from the crowd that I could tell no matter the outcome of the game, I was still gonna be pumped up at the end.

"Stand up and cheer," I yelled into the stands, clapping my hands together. "The kickoff is here!"

The crowd went crazy as we finished our first cheer, chanting back in response as Kyle, our teams kicker, kicked the ball down the field to start the game. The opening drive for the Bears was shut down quickly by the defense getting the ball to our offense allowing them to score the first touchdown of the game on their opening drive, just 5 minutes into the first quarter.

It was a similar pattern to the rest of the game; our defense only allowed them a single touchdown where they didn't even get the extra point. The final score was an almost shut out of 43-6. It was their last game of regular season, and it was safe to say that they had made the playoffs.

Despite the boys winning, there was no celebrating afterwards. I said my congratulations to the boys briefly before riding home with my Dad. He was ecstatic about the outcome of tonight so I got to listen to him go on about the first playoff game the whole ride home.

When we pulled back into the driveway it was 10:13, and next door I noticed Dylan had just gotten home as well. I smiled to myself, turning to my dad as he put the car into park. "I'm going to go say hi to Dylan quickly, that okay?"

Dad looked out the window, watching as Dylan got out of his car and opened the door to his backseat. He nodded, "Go ahead."

"I'll be back," I said as I unbuckled and hopped out of the car. I broke into a brief jog as I approached my neighbor. "Hey hot shot."

Dylan finished pulling his football bag out of his car, swinging it onto his shoulder before he turned to face me; a tired smile on his face. "What's up shortie?"

I grinned at his nickname for me. He hadn't called me that in a few weeks, since our first 'date'. "How'd your game go tonight?"

"28-24," Dylan responded, not bothering to clarify which score his team got. When I quirked an eyebrow about to ask him what won he was, he added, "we won."

"Oh good, congratulations."

Dylan turned, starting towards his front door. "I heard that your team won as well."

I nodded, falling into step behind him. "Yeah, poor Hillside didn't know what hit them."

"Hillside never knows," Dylan replied with a chuckle, coming to a stop at the door.

I rolled my eyes. "Wait," I paused, suddenly curious as to how he knew we'd won so quick. "How'd you know my school won?"

"My sister," he replied shortly. "She posted a picture of you guys with your homecoming dates."

I nodded. "Oh, okay."

He smirked, raising his eyebrows at me as if he was expecting me to have something else to say. When I didn't say anything he laughed, "What, you aren't curious who my sister is?"

I narrowed my eyes. What was he talking about? I knew who both of his sisters were-- Jamie and Kim.

But then why would she have posted a picture of us with our dates?

My body froze as I suddenly began to realize something. Back when Madison was tutoring me in science she had explained to me part of the reason she was so annoyed with me the night Luke broke up with her was because she'd dated Dylan. Kelsey had also told me that part of her hatred of Madison was because Madison had dated her brother. Dylan wasn't just my neighbor, he was Kelsey's brother.

"You're kidding," I mumbled, my mouth dropped open at the realization. "Holy shit, Kelsey is your sister."

Dylan smirked a very satisfied smirk and winked at me. "Bingo."


A brand new chapter that was not in the original draft! A fresh, clean chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed! There are only 2-3 more chapters left in the book and most likely an epilogue!

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I love you guys and thank you so much for reading!

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