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Chapter 27.
"Your mom wants you to bring a date to the wedding?" Tae gasped, squealing in excitement. I smiled to myself. It was so nice to be talking to all of my friends again.

We were all having lunch together, for the first time ever. Now that Kelsey and I were talking again, she and Tae had joined my little lunch table with Nixi and Cassie.

Kelsey smirked. "I can't believe you guys got all hot and heavy in the student lounge. When I said you needed to talk, that wasn't quite what I'd had in mind."

I blushed. "I'm not sure what you thought we needed to talk about."

"Umm...Dylan?" Nixi prodded. "Obviously Luke really likes you, and he wants to date you. I think he backed off because he saw you kiss Dylan, and just assumed there was something going on."

She blushed as she said Dylan's name, and my eyes widened as I put two and two together. "Hold on...that guy you've been texting 24/7...it's Dylan, isn't it?"

"Please don't freak," she said. "I know you guys are friends and all, and if you like him, I'll back off."

I laughed. "Go for it. He's a total player, but he's also really nice and fun to be around. If you like him, he's all yours. We're just friends."

"Does that mean you aren't bringing him to your mom's wedding?" Kelsey asked, nudging me playfully. "Maybe a certain star quarterback is available instead?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"No. No! My dad would never go for it. Plus, I could never ask Luke to deal with all that craziness. I'll probably just see if one of you guys can come instead, or just go by myself. My mom can deal."

"Still, it might be a good way to get to know Luke better without your dad breathing down your neck, right?" Cassie asked logically.

"Well, yeah, but I don't know Luke well enough to ask him."

Kelsey smirked. "Well, I do. He's my cousin. I can ask him anything. Want me to ask him for you?"

I groaned. "Please don't. You're just going to embarrass me."

"What are friends for?" Judging by the self-satisfied smirk on her face, I had a sneaking suspicion that she was going to drag Luke into this.

Sure enough, she stood up and walked over to where Luke was sitting with Zach and a few other guys from the football team. Grabbing his arm, she dragged back over by where we were all sitting.

"So Lilly's in a little bit of a bind," Kelsey said, winking at me. "Her mother's getting married and wants her to bring a date to the wedding. You'll go, right?"

Luke looked at me questioningly. "Really? Your dad is okay with that?"

I laughed. "No, he's going to flip his lid. The wedding is in January though, so we could wait until after football season ends to tell him. Otherwise, he would probably bench you, playoffs or not."

"Yeah, he would kill me. Heck, he probably will anyway."

I sighed, knowing it was true. "If it helps, my mom is completely on board with it," I told him, which helped, but didn't really change the situation. I lived with my dad, not my mom. Ultimately, I would need Dad on board if Luke and I were ever going to have a real relationship.

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