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Chapter 16.

My door creaked open, warning me that somebody had just entered my room.

After my encounter earlier, I'd gone inside and taken a quick shower before curling up on my bed to do homework. Since I had just broken things off with Evan this morning, I was finding it hard to focus on schoolwork. I kept second guessing myself. How could I have thought I liked him when clearly, he was a controlling jerk? And what was the deal with the new neighbor, Dylan? He seemed dangerous. I vowed to keep my distance from him. The last thing I needed right now was more boy drama.

"Daddy?" I asked, turning towards the door. It was a natural assumption, considering my dad was the only other person there.

Instead, I heard a familiar laugh, causing me to jump off of my bed, a horrified expression on my face. Nope, definitely not my dad.

Dylan smirked at me, a cocky expression on his face. "Wow shorty, I didn't realize you had a nickname for me."

My eyes went wide. I hadn't actually thought he would come over. I had assumed he was joking. I looked over at the clock. 7:13. Oh...

"I swear I didn't--I mean I --I thought you were my Dad!" I sputtered all in one breath.

Dylan chuckled, his smile making my stomach feel all giddy inside. I firmly tried to push the butterflies away. I wasn't interested. No way. "Calm yourself. I know you can't resist me and I make you nervous, but just relax, okay?" He winked at me. "I don't bite...hard. And only if you ask me to."

I didn't know how to respond to him. I knew he was just joking around with me, but I had no idea what to say.

"Ready?" he asked, turning towards the door, gesturing with his arm for me to get up.

"Umm..." I said, trying to figure out a way to get out of this weird... not-date thing. How had Dylan even gotten up to my room? Why hadn't Dad stopped him? That gave me a glimmer of hope. There was no way Dad would go along with this. He would put Dylan in his place for sure.

Dylan laughed and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me out of room. I noticed my hoodie lying on my bed, but didn't go back to grab it. I probably wouldn't be needing it anyways.

Before I even got my foot off the last step, Dad walked up and blocked our way. I had never been so happy to have a strict parent in my life.

Dad narrowed his eyes at Dylan suspiciously, folding his arms over his chest. I smiled to myself. Leave it to my dad to try to scare off any guy friends I made.

"Before you two take off, I have some questions for you," Dad told Dylan. I was more than a little shocked. Did that mean? Surely he wasn't going to let a complete stranger take me out? What happened to the whole no dating rule?

Dylan nodded understandingly, giving me a small grin before turning his attention to my dad. "Sure thing Mr.--"

"Simon. Mr. Simon," Dad said. His tone of voice was deep and monotone, but it was his usual coaching voice. He wasn't trying to scare Dylan off. Unbelievable. Was Dylan some sort of parent enchanter or something? "I've never seen you around here before. What's your name?"

"Dylan Olson," Dylan responded quickly and smoothly, almost as if he'd rehearsed this. "My family just moved next door a few days ago."

"How old are you?" Dad asked. Dylan's last answer didn't seem to have any affect on him.




"Where do you go to school?"

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