Chapter Seven - Welcome Home.

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Nova's P.O.V

Finally after a whole 48 hours of having to stay at the hospital I was finally able to head home.

I decided on bringing the kids with me to the condo I had bought just so they would be close to me an' there little sister.

My Mama those all finally knew where I stayed including Mell but they were all only able to come over if they called.

I was beyond over Mell an' our marriage but the only thing that kept us both connected was the five children we shared with one another.

I never wanted to see him again but I grew up without a father an' refused to allow it to happen to my kids.


"Mama." Mello called out as he made his way into the kitchen area with his book bag across his shoulder. "Is daddy dropping us to school? Or did you call Gramma?"

"Your dad." I assured him. "He's gonna drop you guys off then pick you all up when it's time for school to end."

"Mama?" His soft voice called out smoothly causing me to look his way.

"Yes baby."

"Are we ever gonna go back to daddy's house? - I don't wanna have two homes."

"Come here." I sighed a little while bringing him into a hug. "No matter what happens just remember Mama an' daddy love's you." I then paused for a second quickly looking over at Heaven as she slept so peacefully. "Even though we aren't together doesn't mean we don't love each other."

"I'm sorry if I caused you guys to break up." He continued to explain. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

"None of this is your fault - Don't you ever blame yourself for any of what happened."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I held onto my son letting him know how much I loved him. "Now go on up an' get your sister's.

A small smile formed against his lips as he made his way on upstairs.

As I watch him go up I walked over to Heaven gently placing her in my arms as the sound of the doorbell roamed throughout the house.

"Who is it?" I called out as I made my way towards the door.

Looking through the peephole before opening up I sighed lightly preparing myself for such a draining present.

"Wassup?" Mell questioned as he licked his lips looking oh so fine.

"The kids will all be down in a few." I replied while watching him place kisses against Heaven's little face. "Mello went up to go get the girls."

"Coo'." He made him way inside walking towards the kitchen area. "What's for breakfast love?"

I rolled my eyes a bit annoyed.

"The kids already ate."

He lightly chuckled knowing how smart my mouth could be.

"What about you?" He questioned while making his way towards me. "Were you able to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." I simply spoke. "Mello - Girls, your daddy's here!" I yelled from downstairs listening to them all as they made there way down.

"What took you so long?" I questioned a bit confused.

"Nothing." They all replied in unison.

"Nuhuh." I focused my attention towards them all. "What did you guys do?"

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