Chapter 25

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Cinna is the one that wakes me up. Odd, usually the tributes get to their stylists when they are off the train. I don’t mind though, I’m really glad to see him. I sit up and put my arms around him. I start crying again. Cinna hugs me tighter, but he doesn’t shed one tear. He is so good at keeping himself contained. I let go of him and he looks at me.
“Prim, I need you to be strong. We have to put on a show for the people. If they like you enough, they may sponsor you okay?” He says and I nod, wiping the tears away. We stand up and he gives me some shorts and a nice looking shirt. Finally, I’m out of the skirts and dresses. I walk out to the dining room and I see the window. We are in the Capitol. People are lined up for what seems like miles waiting to see us. We are pretty famous now. I’m sure a lot of people want to see me and Rory since we are love birds now. And since only one of us is going to be coming out of this alive- and I hope its Rory- they will be excited to see how things turn out. There are many other Victors that I’m not sure how the people are going to deal with them dying. I actually didn’t watch the Reapings so I’m not sure who is going in. I’m sure the most skilled Victors will be part of it. I’m also sure that Snow doesn’t plan on letting me live. May as well kill any chance of a rebellion while he can. We walk through the crowed and into a room with the other Victors. I don’t get a chance to look at any of them because Cinna pushes Rory and myself into another room. We wait in there and Cinna comes back with a lady. I’m very shocked because it’s not Portia. It’s another lady that looks very familiar. She doesn’t have the Capitol look to her. She is dressed normal with normal hair and looks almost like Cinna. I can’t connect who she is.
“Rory, I would like you to meet your stylist for the Games. Peeta’s stylist retired last year but kept everything on the down low. This is actually my wife, Amanda.” He says. His wife? Oh! His wife! Last year before the Games, when I was getting Peeta to be my ally again, he showed me a picture of his wife and their baby. This is his wife. This family is probably the only normal looking family here.
“Uh Prim? We can’t exactly leave Jacob at home, so he will be with me. Come here Jacob and say hi to Prim.” Cinna says. A little boy in blue jeans and a white shirt walks out from behind Cinna. He looks to be about 11 months old and looks like he is still having problems walking. I smile at him and he smiles back, revealing 2 small teeth. I can’t help but laugh. He slowly and carefully makes his way over to me. I freeze. I have never been in this situation before. I have never been around kids at District 12. Most parents kind of keep their kids sheltered so they don’t see what a waits for them at such a young age. I bite my lip and look at Cinna. He smiles and nods his head. I look back down at Jacob and slowly pick him up. I sit him on my lap and I just look at him.
“Hi Jacob” I say very softly.
“Hi!” He says back super excited. I laugh a little. His face is so cute and his dark brown eyes were like wonders. I could see so much. Almost like I could see the things he has seen. I smiled, but then I felt the tears roll down my face. They were silent tears and he looked sad when he saw them. He lifted his hands and wiped one away. I smiled a little, but I was still crying. I wouldn’t see my baby niece. This little boy was the only little kid I would see again. I didn’t want to think about that, but of course I did. I set him down and he went to Cinna. Cinna picked him up and I looked at the ground because I promised I would be strong, and so I didn’t want him to see me cry.

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