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Emily's Prov

School. The place I hated the most. The teenage hell, as some put it. Walking up the steps to the school, I kept thinking, I've had the worst couple summers of my life. Why? Because of Austin Mahone. Teen heartthrob. Pop singer. Award winning solo artist. Best friend. Lover and the best one of all, a total asshole.

Believe it or not. Austin and I were best friends. WERE, as in best friends from birth to 2 summers ago. He told me he would call me. He said nothing would change. But he lied right to my face. You know how many times he called me? Once. That one time was to tell me to never speak to him again. Some best friend he was.

I thought I had other friends to go to. To talk to. To vent to. To cry on. To hug. You know who they were? Alex Constancio, Zach Dorsey and Robert Villanueva. They left me too and for some weird reason, they stopped talking to me too. I had no one left. The only people I have are, my mom and dad, but of course they work so I'm not around them too much. They're both detectives for the local police station. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I have a bad life but it sure has been hell, the last couple of years.

Want to know whose fault that is? Austin Mahone. Want to know why I'm always alone with nobody to talk to? Austin Mahone. Austin has ruined my whole senior year, and it hasn't even started yet.

A/N: I know this is very short but it's more of a filler. The first 5 or 4 chapters will be flash backs from before Austin left to when he did leave, and then jump in right back to here and it will go on like that. I'm not giving anything away. :) vote, comment, and tell your friends. Love you lovelies!!

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