Chapter 1 ~ Jeff The Killer

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2 years later

Hi. My name is Brooklynn, but my friends call me Brook. I'm 6 years old. I have long brown hair and stormy grey eyes. I don't have that many friends, only my dollies. And BEN. But, I haven't seen him since I was 4.

I miss him. He just left. But, that's the past. I have to move on, but I can't.

Before he left, BEN gave me a necklace. It's a black heart with some sorta silver layering. I haven't taken it off since then.

My life has gotten worse. Mommy drinks that weird smelly stuff all day. Daddy is always with a different lady, I don't think they're ladies, aren't ladies supposed to be polite? Anyways, Keith stays in his room all day, doing something. When I tried to see what he was doing, he yelled and threw stuff at me.


I woke up to Mom and Dad screaming at each other, like every other day. It's always so loud in the house. Mommy's always drinking. I hear yelling coming from Daddy's room. I hear Kieth hitting the wall in his room, which is next mine.

I got out of the light blue covers and walked over to the window. I opened the curtains and smiled. Maybe today I could go to the park and make a new friend.

I went over to my dresser and grabbed a white shirt with a pretty flower at the bottom with a pair of pinkish shorts and my boots.

I went over to my dresser and grabbed a white shirt with a pretty flower at the bottom with a pair of pinkish shorts and my boots

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My family is the richest family in the country. We are expected to be perfect. I hate it. We always have to take pictures for the media. I don't even know what my family did to be famous.

I opened my door to see Mommy laying on the ground taking a nap. She had a cut on the forehead and it was bleeding bad.

"Mama, is you alright? I go get help." I said. Mommy only shook her blonde hair. "No Brooklynn. Go to the park."

I obeyed, because Mommy can be very mad if I don't.
I walked quietly to the park. Surprisingly, there were no cameras. Normally, there is like 50 zillion cameras.

I sat down on the rusty swing. Nobody ever comes to this park. Not after they found that little girls body here. I think that her name was Sally Williams.

I come here to get away from my family. They could care less about me. If I died, they would be over it in a week and have already gotten a new kid.

I rocked back and forth on the swing.

I hate my life. I hate being famous. I hate my mom. I hate my dad. I hate my brother. I hate everything with my life.

I heard a noise from behind me. I turned around to see a man with a white sweatshirt and black pants. He had a smile cut into his face and his blue eyes are circled by black.

"Hi, Mr. What's your name?" I politely asked. He just stared at me, like he knew me from somewhere. "Listen kid. My name's Jeff. Run as far as you can. Do it now. No questions."

I stood up and started walking back to the house. I looked back the guy. He wasn't there.


I can't take credit for the song or the fan art.

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