Chapter 21 ~ Puppeteer (Part Two)

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hey what's up you guys yes I'm back with another chapter 

at this point, i'm too lazy to put a picture and the video

please do not beat me up for not posting in 2 months

je suis une personne occupée

okay so after i post this chapter i'm gonna post a little rant thing about this book 

also please don't get mad at me for that lmao


The strings of the puppet danced across the floor, the wooden feet tapping on the purple shag carpet. Brooklynn was fascinated by the doll, the strings moving towards her. It was hypnotising, enticing her towards the puppets.

Suddenly she fell forward, her face hitting the the rug, with a thud. Brooklynn cried out in pain. 

She glanced up seeing that the strings and the man weren't there anymore. 

"Huh? Hey weird man? Where'd you go?" she asked, searching around her room. 

The grey man who had been holding the puppets was gone, nothing remained that could have shown he was there. The golden strings, his grey sneakers, nothing.

(Oh geez I can't think of anything to write for this chapter)

Her brown curls flew around her head wildly, obviously not brushed in a while. The T.V. static behind her suddenly became deafening, Brooklynn covering her ears to no avail. No matter how loud she screamed, the static was louder.

Mommy or Keith will come in and get me


Her little hands were slowly becoming stained with blood, her ears, not bleeding from the sound but from the fall. She tried wiping the blood onto her dress, failing.

All at once, Keith slammed the door open, the noise disappearing.

"Brook!" He yelled, sliding down to his knees next to her. He grabbed her thin wrists and forced her to turn and look at him.

"Please don't," Brooklynn sobbed. "Hurt me. Please." Her voice shaking as she cried out, trying to free her wrists from his grasp. Blood ran freely down her face from the large gash on the left side of her forehead.

"Brooklynn, calm down! It's me, Keith." He tried to reassure her, unknowingly making it worse.

"No! Stop touching me! I wanna go home!" She kept crying. After about 30 seconds of this, he let go of her wrists, picking her up, and carrying her to the pristine white bathroom, setting her in the bathtub. She was still hyperventilating, her hands fidgeting with the choppy hem of her dress.

Keith started frantically opening drawers, searching for the washcloths and hydrogen proxide.

"No." Brooklynn kept muttering. "You can't. He won't let you. He'll punish you for this." Her eyes were large, bigger than normal. Her pupils were dialated and unfocused. Her head shook from side to side, moving her now blood stained hair.

"What?" Keith said, turning around to face Brooklynn.

Brooklynn was still sitting in the bathtub, but the bottles of shampoo and body wash were floating. She wasn't facing the faucet anymore. Her body was turned to face Keith. She sat still, not moving. Not blinking. Not breathing. 

"Brooklynn?" Keith's breathing quickened, his eyes darting between his sister and the bottles, still holding the bottle of rubbing alcohol and washcloth in his hands. 

Her head twitched to the side, more blood gushing out from the wound.

Then, she blinked.

All the bottles came flying towards Keith, hitting him with exemplatory strength, knocking him to the ground.

Shoutout to Raven for texting me and giving me motivation to finish this chapter 😘

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