Chapter 4: Protective Niall *EDITED*

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Niall's POV:

What a jerk," I whispered to Liam as we listened through Olivia's door as she talked to Mason.

I know its wrong but I don't trust him. I saw the way he looked at Livvy when we were downstairs and there's something fishy about him. I heard them swapping numbers and talking about hanging out. It sounded like Olivia saw the invitation as a friendly one but Mason had other ideas. He wanted Olivia for himself and he was one of those guys who would take advantage of girls and use them until he was done. I already hated him. I would just have to keep an eye on him and protect Olivia.

"What are you thinking about mate?" Liam said to me snapping me out of my daze.

"I don't trust him, he is just going to take advantage of Livvy and I am not going to let him" I said determinedly.

"I see what you mean. He is trying to act nice and innocent but he's not who he says he is. I think Olivia is just too nice to see through him. Don't worry, all of us boys will make sure he doesn't try anything, ok Niall," Liam said.

"Yeah thanks Liam, I just don't want to see her get hurt. Livvy is sweet, funny, smart, talented, beautiful and too innocent to be hurt," I said.

Liam didn't reply but he raised his eyebrow at me and I looked away knowing what he was thinking.

"I don't have a crush on her, I just want to protect her, like you do," I said trying to convince him and he just nodded disbelieving.

Did I really believe that myself I thought. After a moment or two, we heard Livvy and Mason say goodbye so we both ran downstairs. Next thing I knew, Mason walked down the stairs.

"Alright lads?" he said smirking. I grunted but Liam replied politely.

"I reckon two weeks and she's mine," he said cockily. I glared at him and Liam said nothing.

"Over my dead body," I mumbled but only Liam heard and he put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Yeah well thanks for the help that's all we need for now," Liam said hinting for Mason to leave.

He shrugged, took the luggage cart and went down in the lift.

"I told you he was a nasty piece of work, I'm and not letting him any where near Livvy," I said.

"Hey mate, what's wrong?" Harry said and he, Louis and Zayn walked down stairs.

"The bell hop who brought Livvy's luggage up was trying to hit on her and he reckons within two weeks she will be his, but he is just going to use her and I wont let him!" I said shouting the last bit.

"Ok lad, we wont let him, like I said, we will all make sure he doesn't do anything and we will talk to Olivia about him so she knows," Liam said and the other boys nodded.

"Thanks guys," I said gratefully.

"How about we order Chinese food?" Zayn asked and we all nodded.

"Order something for Livvy too, she's unpacking but she said she wants food when she's done," I said

"Of course she does she's basically the same as you with food and we would expect nothing less," Louis said smirking and I laughed feeling happier again. I can always count on these boys to cheer me up.

Zayn ordered our usual Chinese order and some extras we thought Olivia would like and then we waited as Zayn said they would be about an hour. We hung out in the lounge and watched TV until the food came. Zayn and Liam went down to the lobby to pick the order up and while they were doing that, I went to check on Liv and to tell her food was ready. As I approached her room I heard voices.

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