Chapter 29: The Ex Girlfriend *EDITED*

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Olivia's POV:

Niall and I made our way over to the food table and got ourselves something to eat. We talked for a little while with some friends, family and other celebrities. Niall took some pictures with a few fans as well. After spending some time in the VIP section with the others, Niall and I decided to go down to get some drinks and go on the dance floor. Zayn and Perrie were together in the VIP section, Louis and El were dancing and Liam had met an old friend who he was talking with. Niall brought me a drink and we went to sit at one of the free tables. After a few minutes of talking, we were joined by a girl who looked about nineteen.

"Hey Ni how are you, it's been so long," she said hugging him.

"Oh hi Holly, I'm good, how about you?" Niall asked politely.

"I'm great, lovely to see you babe," she said rubbing his arm and I frowned.

"Hi, I'm Livvy, nice to meet you," I said holding out my hand.

"You too," she said glaring, not shaking my hand.

"And are you a friend of Niall's?" I asked her.

"Yeah, we dated for a while before X factor," she said and I nodded.

"Well, I missed you Niall, it's strange not seeing you anymore," she said fluttering her eyelashes at him and he shuffled away uncomfortably.

"Yeah well I'm going to get some more drinks, you want anything?" Niall asked looking at me.

"I'll have a sex on the beach babe," Holly said winking at him.

"Champagne," I said smiling at him

Once Niall had gone, Holly turned to me.

"Hey Libby or whatever, leave Niall alone, he's not your's and he just feels sorry for you so why don't you stop interfering in our relationship," she said glaring at me.

"Excuse me but Niall doesn't like you like that anymore. You are is EX girlfriend, so leave us alone," I said.

"Whatever bitch, you go near him and you will regret it," she warned glaring at me until Niall came back over.

"Here you are," he said handing us both our drinks.

"Thanks Ni," we both said at the same time and glared at each other.

I downed the drink as Niall sat down next to me, away from Holly who kept glaring at me as she tried to flirt with Niall over the table.

"I'm going to get another drink," I grumbled getting out of my seat.

"Ok see you in a bit babe," Holly said fake smiling at me.

"I love you," Niall whispered to me and I smiled.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

I walked across the dance floor to the bar.

"One shot please," I said still frowning.

The bar man came over and handed me the shot which I downed.

"Hit me again," I slurred after my second shot.

I downed the other shot and then got up and walked over to where Niall was still with Holly. I felt the anger boil up inside of me as I saw her sitting next to him and rubbing his arm while leaning over to whisper into his ear. I walked over to them and sat down next to Niall.

"Hey Liv," He said relieved and put his arm around me.

"Hey baby," I said loudly.

"Are you drunk?" he asked me.

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