Chapter 38: America

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Olivia's POV:

As the safety announcements were made and the pilot spoke to us, I thought about the summer that I had and how I was leaving it behind, but I also thought about how I was starting my new life as a singer. The plane then made it's way to the runway and I looked out of the window back at the terminal to try and spot Niall. Before we pulled away, I saw the small figure of Niall standing at the window. I placed my hand on the window feeling half like I wanted to go back to him, but the other half of me told me I would see him in a month and I was going to America to live my dream, I couldn't turn back now.

The plane started to move of from its point and onto the runway. As we moved away from the airport and Niall, I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. We started to speed up once we were positioned on the runway right, we sped up until we rose slowly into the air. I looked back at the airport, a few more tears falling down my cheeks.

"I love you Ni." I whispered before turning away from the window and turning to get my phone out of my bag.

There was Wifi on the plane so I decided to text Niall. 'I miss you already' I wrote before sending. I waited a bit before getting a reply. 'I miss you to love' He wrote and I smiled before putting my phone away.

"Hey Liv, are you excited?" Lauren asked sitting in the seat next to me.

"Yeh." I said smiling and she looked at me questioningly.

"Why are you crying?" She asked.

"Oh you know, just leaving everything." I said sadly.

"But I am excited about going to America." I added and she nodded.

"Well hey, you get to see him in a month and you're gunna have loads of fun and be really busy in America." She said and I nodded.

"I can't believe I have my best friend working with me in America." I said excitedly and she laughed.

"And possibly on tour if you do one." She said and I smiled wider.

"Yay." I said hugging her and she hugged me back.

We spent the the next hour singing along to the music on our phones and slightly annoying some of the others on the plane. Mike and 3 other bodyguards were sitting at one end of the plane trying to get some rest as it was still early. Darren and Damien were discussing and planning together my diet and exercise regime. Megan was on the phone to god knows who and discussing some business things while Kimberly was going over some of my music and some recording sessions that Simon had sent her so she could start planning my vocal lessons.

"Olivia, I need to talk to you." Megan said holding the phone to her head and looking at me so I got up and walked over to her.

"Yep?" I asked.

"I'm on the phone to the coordinator of Dancing With The Stars and they are making a cut down version of the show for just before Christmas. It is for a month and they have asked if you would be a contestant, I recommend you do it as you have had dance training before and it would create good publicity. I know Simon talked to you about it a little while ago, so what do you think?" She said to me making my smile bigger.

"Of course I want to, I'll be happy too, how long is it though?" I asked her.

"Only a month, so you have time to write and record the rest of you're album before the end of November and then for the mini tour." She said and I nodded.

"Ok." I replied.

"I'm just going to discuss it further with the coordinator and then we have to talk about all arrangements." She said and I nodded sitting on the sofa next to her to wait until she was done.

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