Chapter 27: A Twitcam *EDITED*

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Olivia's POV:

After a few minutes, Niall had set the Twitcam up and we had both tweeted from our accounts. After about five minutes we already had over thirty thousand viewers.

"Wow, over thirty thousand people watching us be stupid and looking like we just got up," I said stunned.

"Hey, I look good and that's my jumper so don't dis," Niall said with fake offense.

"Of course you do and this is a lovely jumper," I said rolling my eyes.

"Why are you wearing Niall's jumper?" I read out from the screen.

"Oh, well we were all travelling from Birmingham to London today so I wanted comfortable clothes and I had no one to impress because I've just been with the boys today so I just wore this. We are staying here for a week for the premiere until the VMAs," I said.

"How do you feel about having your own film premiere Niall?" I read out.

"I'm so excited, we all are and it's so amazing. It's thanks to you guys that we are able to do this so thank you," he said looking at the camera.

"Aw cutie," I said pinching his cheeks.

"Oi, get off," he said batting my hand away and laughing.

"Whatever, I'm going to go and get some snacks," I said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

I looked around the cupboards for snacks and found a large bag of Doritos, some salsa dip and some butter popcorn. I put the pop corn into the microwave and emptied the Doritos into a bowl. Once the popcorn was done, I put that in another bowl and then walked out to the living room.

"I got food!" I yelled as I walked up to him and he laughed.

"That's my girl. Gimme gimme gimme," he said taking a bowl.

"A man after midnight," I sung and he laughed.

"You're so stupid," he said spluttering.

"Hey, I bet I wasn't the only person thinking that," I said smiling.

"Where are the other boys?" Niall read out.

"Zayn is in his and Perrie's flat, Louis is in his and El's, Haz is at his flat and Liam's at his. We're at Niall's," I said smiling.

"We're together because we're food buddies!" Niall yelled putting his arm around me.

"Yep," I said putting my arm around his should and reaching into the popcorn bowl.

"Wait, isn't this all my food?" Niall asked shocked.

"No, you're sharing," I said taking more popcorn.

"Fine," he said and turned back to the screen taking a massive handful of popcorn.

"Pig," I muttered and he nudged my side making me giggle.

"Oh, ticklish aren't you," he said evilly.

"No, not now!" I yelled and he shrugged.

"Fine," he said fake sulking.

"Good Leprechaun," I said petting his head.

I looked at the screen to find lots of comments running down the screen. Many were saying we were funny or cute together but I saw one directed at me.

It said 'Get the fuck of my screen you bitch and get away from Niall'

"Well, that was a nice comment," I muttered sarcastically.

"Wait what?" Niall asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Nah, someone just really doesn't like me," I said laughing slightly but Niall didn't.

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