Chapter 30: Pranks *EDITED*

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Olivia's POV:

I turned away from the window and the ever shrinking world to find Niall eating the food from the bag we brought.

"Hey, I want some too," I said nudging him and he turned to me with his mouth full.

"Yes you will but I wanted some, I was hungry," he said with a full mouth.

"Right, I think I got most of that," I said laughing and he swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Liv, do you wanna like go sight seeing together on Monday, just us, and spend the day together like a date and then just us spend the day together on Thursday next week hanging out," Niall asked rushing.

"Of course I want to, that sounds fun," I said smiling and leaning my head on his shoulder.

We spent the next few hours or so eating our second breakfast, talking together, listening to music and watching some in flight TV. After a little while, I went over to the girls who were all sitting together and chatting.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked sitting with them.

"Not much, just planning our time in NYC," El said smiling.

"Nice. So what is happening?" I asked.

"Well we were thinking of spending Wednesday shopping," Jade said and I nodded.

"So what's everyone doing on the free days?" Jesy asked.

"When are the free days?" Katie asked.

"Um, well Wednesday we will shop, then the VMAs are on Saturday and the New York premiere is on Tuesday, so Friday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday we have free, and then we are leaving next Friday," I said and they nodded.

"We should probably just unpack tomorrow and relax in the hotel," Katie said.

"Well me and Lou are gunna spend a few days together and go out," El said.

"I'm going out with Ni on Monday and Thursday next week," I said smiling.

"Haz is planning our first date for Monday," Katie said beaming

"Zayn and I are meeting up with some friends and celebrating the engagement on Thursday and we were going to ask if all of you wanted go out for dinner on Sunday to celebrate," Perrie said looking at us expectantly.

"Yeah, that sounds great," Leigh-anne said and we all nodded.

"So what are we going to do for the next six hours?" Katie asked.

"I'm going to go to sleep," Perrie said yawning.

"Me too," Jesy, Jade, Leigh-anne and El said in unison.

"I can't sleep on planes so I'll stay up with you," I said wrapping my arm around Katie's shoulder and she laughed.

"Sweet," she said.

"Shh," one of the security guards muttered and we giggled.

"See you guys later," the other girls said getting into their seats and falling asleep almost instantly.

By this time, all the other girls, security guards, Louis, Zayn and Liam were all asleep.

"Hey, Katie. Do you wanna play some pranks on everyone," I said to her and she smiled.

"Definitely," she said smirking and looking over at Harry.

"Harry and Niall are still awake, should we let them join in," she asked.

"Yeah, they could be helpful," I said and she nodded.

"I'll take Haz and you take Niall," she said getting up and I followed.

The New Girl (A Niall Horan FanFic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant