Chapter 39: Breaking

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Olivia's POV:

"So how have you been, what have you been up to?" I asked him.

"I'm great, been working on this show for the last 3 years since I turned 18 and before that I was in a performing arts school, but I've been thinking about finishing the show after this season." He said and I nodded listening to him.

"So what have you been up to, getting all famous and dating a singer after being signed by 'The' Simon Cowell." He said laughing.

"Whatever, but it's been an amazing few months, being signed and all, then meeting so many new people. The girls, guys and Niall, it's been amazing you know." I said smiling as we walked up the road.

"I'm sure, so am I ever gunna meet these guys then?" He asked smiling.

"Of course you will, I want you all to meet, I mean we were best friends in dance class and you taught me loads." I said as we walked round the corner.

"Yeh, well I'd love to meet them too, and Niall." He said.

"Don't go all older brother on me, I know what you're like." I said smirking.

"That was one time." He said defensively.

"That's because I only really 'went out' with one person and I was 9, come on." I said laughing.

"Whatever." He said with a small smile.

"So wha-ahh" I said shielding my eyes as we walked round another corner and came face to face with a crowd of paps with huge cameras flashing brightly.

"Liv, come on, this way, hurry" Jamie said grabbing my hand and pulling me past the paps walking faster than before.

We kept walking fast until we got to a large restaurant  and we walked in the door and up to the counter.

"Jesus, never experienced that before." Jamie said slightly out of breath.

"Sorry, that's the baggage I come with now." I said a little out of breath too.

"Hello sir, madam how may I help you" A waitress asked.

"Could we have a table for two" Jamie asked and she nodded picking up two menus and then walking to a free table, with us following behind her.

As we walked past the window, I saw some paps taking pictures but I tried to ignore them. We both sat down at the table and looked through the menu.

"You know Liv, don't think of paps as you're baggage, you're brilliant ok." Jamie said and I smiled.

"Thanks, but they are such a hassle sometimes." I said shrugging.

"I know." He said sympathetically.

We then ordered our food when the waitress came over. I ordered a pasta dish and Jamie ordered chicken.

"So, have you got a special someone right now?" I asked him digging into my pasta.

"Not right now, I've had a couple of relationships but nothing recently, I've just been very busy right now." He said and I nodded.

"Awh well you'll find someone amazing when you're ready." I said and he nodded smiling.

We spent the next half hour talking and finishing our food before Jamie paid, after an argument from me saying I would pay half but he said I'm the guest. After he paid we got up and left the restaurant and walked back the the studio quickly while being followed by the paps. We then spent the next 8 hours in the studio learning the dances. We moved onto the jive after a few hours of contemporary which I liked as the contemporary dance was very interesting and fun. We then finished up and changed into our clothes before walking outside and getting into Jamie's car. I saw the pap car behind us as we started moving and groaned. We drove back to the hotel and Jamie parked round the back before we went in the back entrance.

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