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Cara couldn't believe the sight before her, it had to be the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. The way the waves touched the sea shore, as if caressing the grains of sand. She could just imagine the feeling of the warm sand on her feet.

"Are you done staring and gawking?" she heard a voice say coldly behind her and she turned abruptly looking at him and saw him walking to the waiting car, she hurried towards him because one couldn't put it past him to go off and leave her stranded there.

They arrived at around noon and this time Cara tried her best to hide the surprise as she stared at the house or rather villa before her. Typically, it was all white on the outside and so was everything on the inside. It looked like something out of a magazine, it was very impersonal.

"Come on. I'll show you to your room," Zander said heading up the stairs and she quickly followed him. As they got to a room she suddenly felt dizzy and had to stop and lean on the wall to avoid falling down.

" Are you okay?" Zander asked looking slightly worried before he quickly wiped any trace of emotion from his face.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little jetlagged I guess," Cara said and headed to the room that Zander had opened the door to. She sat on the bed but Zander didn't move from the door.

"Take a nap, I will wake you up in time for dinner," he said and walked out, finally leaving her alone. She kicked off her shoes and slowly and appreciatively sank into the soft bed and before long she was out like a light. She had a very funny dream where she was at a park with a cute little girl who was running towards her smiling brightly displaying a big grin of missing front teeth.

She felt someone shaking her awake, a slowly opened her eyes with a groan only to be met by a set of baby blue eye and all she wanted to do at that moment as stare at them and get lost in them (sorry if by any chance I have changed the description to the color of his eyes)

"It's time for dinner" zander said as he walked out of the door without sparing her another glance. She stood up and felt light-headed and frowned but attributed that to having stood up too fast and quick from the bed. She headed down the stairs and started looking for the kitchen but got lost in the many hallways. She bumped into a motherly-looking woman carrying a big laundry basket.

"Ummm... excuse me, where is the kitchen?" she asked politely.

" Just headed back down the hall, to your right is another hallway then turn left and my dear you will find yourself in the kitchen" Rosalinda, the housekeeper said with a friendly smile.

"Thank you so much. I'm Cara by the way" she said smiling back.

"I know honey, Zander already informed me. I'm Rosalinda but you can call me Rosa, the housekeeper and Juan, the chauffeur is my husband." Rosa said giving Cara one last smile before heading in the opposite direction.

She followed the directions and found herself in the kitchen where she found Zander had already started having his dinner.

"About time you got here." Zander said coldly and continued eating. Cara looked at him before sighing and sitting down to start eating having her dinner. She suddenly felt uneasy in the stomach when she took a few spoonful and decided that she had had enough and decided to go back to bed because she was not feeling very good both physically, emotionally and physically.

Zander watched her head up the stairs and sighed, he was worried because she did not seem to be feeling alright and the key pointer was that they had prepared her favorite, spaghetti and meatballs. This had been mentioned in passing by her father. He finished eating and decided to go check on her.

This girl was really messing with his head. Since that first night, where he did something so out of character for him. He had never approached a girl before, they always did it. Not meaning to sound conceited or anything but that is how it had always been. Girls coming to him looking for a good time or just for the social status. That is how he had always lived, he gives them jewelry and all the other expensive stuff and he gets sexual release and when they started to become clingy he moved onto to the next one without thinking twice about it but with Cara he had not been able to get her out of his head, her body, her lips and most of all her beautiful brown eyes, every time he closed his eyes he could always those eyes that for some reason always reminded him of dark chocolate.

He slowly opened the door to her room and checked inside; she had the nightlights on and was sound asleep snoring lightly. He unconsciously smiled and gave a slight chuckle before walking out and heading to the room just down the hall. As he was changing to go to bed he caught himself in the mirror and e was smiling and a look in his eyes he couldn't recognize. He stood there staring at his reflection before quickly schooling his features back to his usual cold façade and headed to bed.

He woke up had his shower and headed off to the kitchen in just a some sweats and found Cara in the kitchen with a glass of what he thought to be apple juice. He cleared his throat and she was startled and looked up only to freeze gawking at him.

"Get a grip, stop gawking because you look like a c**k-hungry slut," he said smiling at her coldly heading to the fridge. He turned at the sound of glass smashing.

Cara couldn't believe what she was hearing and she just couldn't take it anymore. His insinuation of her being a sl*t were just too much to bare and her dam burst. She dropped the glass in her hand and placed her hands on the counter before looking at Zander who hand turned at the sound of glass smashing.

"You.. you jerk!!!! You have no right at all to judge me. I know that my first impression was not the best but that give you no right at all to start calling me names. I was drunk that night; I don't even know what came over me. But for your information, that was my first time, I was a virgin. So you have no right at all to call me a c**ck-hungry sl*t. I was a virgin, if there is any whore in this room right now it's you Mr. High and Mighty," she said the last few sentences quietly with tears running down her face before running out of the kitchen and out of the house leaving a dumbfounded Zander standing in the kitchen with a shocked look on his face. (finally stood up for herself)

"Virgin?!" Was the only word he could utter staring at the direction she ran off to.


She ran off in a random direction and kept running until she felt her legs ready to give out causing her to collapse on the ground, sobbing loudly. She cried herself to sleep right there on the beach, only to be woken up by something cold hitting her in the face. She scrambled to her feet and realized that it was about to rain and by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be a drizzle. She started running in the direction she vaguely remembered coming from earlier in her hysteria. As she was getting closer to the house she started feeling dizzy, nauseated and slightly breathless.

As she got into the house, she ran smack into someone who caught her before she could fall. The last thing she saw was mesmerizing baby blue eyes before everything went black.

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