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Zander snapped out of his trance like state and pushed Lisa away from him. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He had just cheated on his wife; he had never thought himself a cheater, a player, sure but that was before Cara. He told her to get dressed as he quickly put everything away. He had to get away from the office, he didn't know where to go but he just wanted to get out of the office and clear his head.

He walked out of the elevator and headed to the parking lot since he had not parked in the garage because he was late for a meeting that morning and didn't have the time to park in his usual place. As he headed for his car something caught his eye; he noticed a car that looked awfully similar to the one he had given Cara to use in case she wanted to head out, it was then he had a very uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

He walked back inside to ask the receptionist if there was anyone who had come to see him in the past one hour.

"Hello Mia" Zander said startling the poor receptionist.

"H...hel..lo Mr. Morreti," Mia answered trying to make herself presentable by pulling down her skirt and fixing her blouse since she had been looking for something that had fallen under her desk.

"Has anyone come looking for me in the past one hour?" Zander asked sounding impatient, he was mentally praying that that was not Cara's car; that she had not come to the office.

"Oh yes sir, your wife came around about twenty minutes ago," Mia said feeling uncomfortable since she normally didn't interact with her boss, "umm.. sir?"

"Yes Mia?" Zander said in a strained voice, already suspecting what she was going to say next.

"She came down a few minutes later in tears and ran out of the building and hailed a cab," Mia said quietly unable to meet her boss's eyes.

"Shit!!!!" Zander said practically racing out of the building to his car, leaving a confused receptionist behind. He sped out of the parking lot only to be met by traffic. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Zander continued cursing loudly. "I really hope that she didn't see that" but deep down he knew that he was hoping for the impossible. After almost thirty minutes in traffic, since it looked like everyone had decided to get on the road at the same time he finally got home. He parked in the driveway instead of the garage.

He ran into the house calling for Cara but he got no response; he called for James but there was no response either since James had gone out earlier. He ran to the bedroom and it looked as if the room had been hit by a mini-hurricane; there were clothes hanging around and the closet was open. The first thing he noticed was most of Cara's clothes was missing.

He noticed something lying on the floor next to the dresser; he quickly stood from the bed and picked it up. He froze in shock as he realized what he holding. He felt dizzy when he saw Cara's name on the ultrasound in his hands. She was pregnant!!! And he had no doubt that it was his baby because he was Cara's first and only encounter. he was going to be a father. SHIT!!!!!!!! where was she!

He couldn't believe that she had caught him with his secretary! Now that he thought of it, Lisa had to have done that on purpose. She had been trying to get him to sleep with her for a long time but he had turned her down every time because he had a policy of not allowing office fraternization, but it looks like today he had finally succumbed.

He had messed up big time and the ultrasound in his hand was a big proof of it. He rushed out of the house and headed to her father's house. When he got there Paul told him that he had not seen Cara since they had returned and only spoke to her on the phone.

"Why are you looking for her anyways?" Paul asked sensing that something was very wrong, "What have you done to my daughter?"

"I.. ummm.. Cara might have, sort of seen me kissing my secretary..." before Zander could say another word Paul punched him on the jaw and for an old man that punch packed quite a force.

"I know that this was an arranged marriage but that does not give you the right to cheat on her!!!" Paul yelled giving him another punch

"I know and that is why I want to know where she is so that I can apologize and explain to her that nothing is going on between Lisa and I" Zander said quietly holding his face unable to meet Paul's face feeling ashamed of his actions.

"I don't know where she is, I haven't talked to her in two days," Zander felt himself pale.

"What about her friends?" Zander asked hopefully.

"Cara has no friends that I know of, she has always been sort of a loner," Paul said sadly before turning to Zander with a cold look in his eyes that made Zander feel a shiver run down his spine " You listen and listen good, you better bring back my daughter to me in one piece or so help me God! understood"

"Yes, I will. I promise. I'm not sure when but I promise I will bring her back home in one piece" Zander said getting out of the house.

What Zander didn't know is that as he drove away was that Paul received a call from Cara telling him that she was alright and she would talk to him, though she didn't tell him where she was, she said that she will be checking in from time to time.

Zander drove home trying to think of where she would have gone. He didn't know that much about her to know where she was headed.

Cara got to the airport and paid for a ticket for the soonest flight out and the one they found with room was to California luckily for her it was bound to leave in the next twenty minutes. She was so lost in her thoughts of pain and betrayal that she almost missed the call to board. She quickly picked her carry on and boarded the plane. She was lucky to find her sit was a window seat. She placed her headed on the headrest and closed her eyes with tears still silently flowing out.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew was someone shaking her awake.

"Excuse me miss, you need to get up we have already landed," the flight attendant said softly.

"Oh I'm sorry,' Cara said picking up her bags and heading out of the plane. She went to the luggage section and picked up the rest of her luggage and before she could make another step she felt dizzy and everything around her went out of focus and the last thing she heard before everything went black was someone scream loudly next to her.

HER ITALIAN BABY...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora