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sorry for any mistakes ( I tried to bring everything together her since i realized thanks to you guys that the months of her pregnancy were not adding up, so i do hope they now make sense, if i haven't messed up, she is around 8 months here- 2 months since she first got with Zander plus 6 since she ran way)



Six months later ( this is six months after she ran away just to be clear).

Cara was seated in the living room staring at the television that was airing some reality show but her mind was not there, she was thinking about Zander, she wondered what he was doing. Was he looking for her? Did he move on? Does he think about her? Those were few of the questions that were going through her mind. Her attention snapped back to reality when she heard something on television that caught her undivided attention.

"Let's welcome our guest of the day, the absolutely gorgeous Mr. Zander Moretti," the host said. Zander walked on stage with a smirk on his face.

"Why thank you Rachel, and thank for the fitting introduction," Zander said giving her a wink. His voice; even through the television; made her heart skip a bit or two, she felt her heart start racing as she stared at the television almost unblinking, he had not changed much, he just looked more buff than when she had last seen him. The host asked him several questions but Cara wasn't paying attention, it was all focused on Zander. Damn he looks good. Cara found herself thinking.

Her attention was drawn back to what the host was saying when she asked Zander about his wife.

"So Zander, I see you still have your wedding ring on. Why is that? I thought she already left?"

Zander looked at the host with an expression that she couldn't really explain.

"She might have left, but she is still and always will be my wife," Zander said firmly before standing and leaving the stage.

"Well, you heard it folks, right from the horse's mouth, he is still married, sorry to the ladies who thought otherwise. That's it for today ladies and gentlemen, see you next week; same time, same place, same show,"

Cara sat staring blankly at the screen as the credits rolled up. She placed her hands on her seven month belly wishing that Zander was there with her, she had thought of him non-stop but she just couldn't bring herself to go back to him, she just couldn't forgive him for his betrayal. They might not have married out of love but she was still his wife and he should have respected her like he had said she should have when he still thought of her as a sl*t.

The tears flowed in a steady stream as she replayed that fateful moment over and over again in her head trying to come up with a way to show that he was unwilling, like she had done for the past few months, but still she couldn't find anything to give him any reprieve. Every single time she thought of that day it still felt as though it had just happened it was still fresh in her mind.

Annabelle walked in and found her crying and sighed. This had been a normal occurrence since the first day she had brought this girl home.

"Come on honey, you need to stop stressing, you have to take care of yourself, if not for yourself then at least do it for the baby," Annabelle said placing her bag and sitting down beside her.

"I'm trying Anna, I really am, it's just that I saw him on TV just a few moments ago and I couldn't help thinking about what he has done and also all the things he has missed about this little peanut," Cara said tearfully.

"Well let's forget about all this sad stories and why don't we go do some more shopping for the little angle?"

"More shopping? I think we already bought enough staff to last the baby up to six months!" Annabelle always used baby shopping as a way of getting her to stop thinking about Zander.

"Okay then why don't we go to the park for pack fresh air? I know you love going there,"

They both left the house and went to the pack before going to Cara's favorite café for some of the delicious muffins they made and that had Cara absolutely hooked. She had first visited the café when she was going out for a walk.

flashback; Five months earlier ( one month after she arrived in California)

Cara decided to go out for a walk because she was bored staying inside all day with little to nothing to do. She also wanted to distract herself from all thoughts about Zander even if it was for just a few hours.

She was walking by a café when she noticed a very wonderful smell that made her mouth water, she stood still and turned a full circle before heading back in the direction of the café entrance (this moment reminded me of a cartoon character slowly floating towards the source of a delicious smell) and rushed to the counter where there was an array of muffins fresh from the kitchen. She stared at them longingly before one placed on a paper towel was put in her line of vision. She looked up and found an elderly lady smiling at her and she would have blushed out of embarrassment but the need to have the muffin overpowered it.

"Come on honey you can have it, it's on the house," the lady said further extending her hand towards Cara.

"Are you sure?" Cara asked

"Yeah, come on take it, I know the feeling,"

Cara took the muffin a took a small bite and moaned out loud, it felt as if it was heaven in her mouth, she heard laughing and snapped her eyes open to find the lady laughing, this time round she couldn't fight the blush that coated her face.

"How far along are you?" the lady asked still smiling.

"five months," Cara said taking another bite, this time she managed to fight the urge to moan loudly, "this little peanut is giving weird craving that are driving me nut,"

"I know the filling, I have four kids," the lady said looking at Cara, "they are all grown up now but lord have mercy the things I ate during that time, at times I think of things I ate and feel like I'm going to be sick."

Cara had finished her muffin but still didn't feel like one was enough, so she looked up at the lady sheepishly.

"Can I have another one; I promise I'll pay for this one,"

"Sure love, I'm Agnes by the way," she said handing her another muffin, "well why don't you take a sit while I open up for the day."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't even notice that the sign said closed," Cara said feeling upset.

"It's okay love, I understand,"

Cara took her muffin and left the café before heading home. She always went there and as usual found Agnes had set aside some for her

End of flash flashback

They walked into the café greeting Agnes as we start at our regular seat by the window. They were having their second muffin when Cara felt pain shoot through her and gasped making Annabelle look at her worried.

"are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Cara said smiling before continuing to eat her muffin.


this was sort of a filler.

next chapter we get to see Zander.

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