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sorry for the late update.

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"Oh my God!" Cara softly exclaimed as she stared at the two children in her husband's hands. They had grown so much since she had last seen them. She felt tears well and run down her check as she thought of all the time she had lost, of all the things she had missed. She slowly pushed herself into a sitting position in order to be able to hold her babies. Zander went to comment about her putting too much stress on herself after just having come out of a coma when his mother placed a hand on his shoulder.

He looked down at her and she slowly shook her head telling him not to say anything, he went to speak to her but she shook her head again.

"Just let her hold her babies, it will do her some good," Isabella said smiling softly looking at Cara who had finally managed to sit down, in a more upright position.

She looked up and extended her hands so that Zander can hand her the children. He first placed Rose into her hands but due to not moving her hand in three months and the weight Rose had added in that time, she couldn't hold her child . Annabelle hurried to take the child from her as Cara burst out crying. Zander handed Alex to Isabella and rushed to try and comfort his wife.

"Don't touch me!!" Cara yelled startling everyone in the room including the children, this made her cry harder.

"This is all your fault!" She said looking at Zander with a hard glare. Isabella and Annabelle looked at each other and walked out of the room because they knew the next several minutes would be filled with a lot of arguing between the two and they didn't want the children no matter how small to witness this.

Paul and the others followed the two women out of the room because they knew that this was something private, an issue that they had to resolve in private without the interference of the other family members. Zack and Elisabeth left the rest of the family in the waiting area just a few paces from Cara's room and went for out for a while.

"What do you mean? You were in a coma, that is why your hands aren't strong enough," Zander said looking at her incredulously.

"Well, if it hadn't been for you being an asshole, I wouldn't have been in a coma in the first place," Cara said angrily.

"What? It's not my fault the plane crashed" Zander asked looking at his wife who was getting angrier by the minute.

"If you hadn't threatened me with taking away my kids, I wouldn't have been on the plane in the first place!" Cara said raising her voice even higher.

"Well, if you hadn't refused to let me see MY kids then I wouldn't have had to threaten you!" Zander yelled.

"And do you blame me for denying you that chance? You were a jerk ass when you came over that day," Cara said her voice dropping a notch as she recalled that day, "you accused me of being a sl*t when you knew that you were the only man I have ever been with, you knew that I had only ever slept with you," her voice got lower with each word she said and now instead of being angry, she felt sad, hurt and most of all betrayed.

"I'm sorry for what I said that day, I just felt frustrated, I didn't even mean to say that," Zander said also quieting down.

"you are the one who cheated and your excuse was because I wouldn't have sex with you," Cara said looking at Zander who was seated in the chair beside the bed with tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry for what I said that day and to tell you the truth, I hadn't ever cheated on you before, that was the first time anything like that ever happened, I'm sorry for what I did. Lisa had been trying to get to me for a very long time but because I don't encourage such activities in the office, I never paid any attention to her," Zander explained looking at Cara's eyes trying to portray his sincerity, " I fired her after she tried to pull another stunt after you had disappeared."

Cara could see the sincerity in his words but there was still one thing that puzzled her and she just had to ask.

" Why did you threaten to sue me and take away my kids?" Cara asked softly, "had you come and apologized I would have let you see the kids and maybe even come back home with you."

"I think you have noticed by now that I tend to think irrationally when I'm angry and most especially when it concerns you, I just wanted to see my kids and I knew that if I did that you would have no option than to fly back," the expression on Zander's face turned remorseful, "I guess my anger almost cost you your life. You were right; it is my fault that you are in this condition." He finished saying with a sigh.

"No! don't you dare blame yourself, I was just angry and devastated that I couldn't hold my children. You might have done that to make me fly back but it's not as if you knew the plane was going to crush," she said softly regretting what she had said earlier, she already knew that he blamed himself for what happened and her accusing him didn't help with his guilt. ( this two honestly make me mad sometimes)

"It's my fault, if I hadn't been so weak and kissed Lisa then you wouldn't have run away, then when I finally saw you I made matters worse by accusing you of being something you aren't and if I wasn't already an asshole as it were, I threatened to take the children away from you," Zander ranted, he opened his mouth to continue blaming himself but Cara stopped him by saying something he never thought he would ever hear her say.

"I love you," Cara said smiling, she didn't really know what made her say those words to him but it just felt right.

"Wha..What?" Zander stuttered adorably.

"I love you," She said a little louder making Zander smile realizing that he hadn't imagined it, " you always said it to me when I was in a coma and I was never able to say it back."

"Please say it again," Zander said smiling with his eyes moistening a bit.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Cara said smiling at him. He smiled brightly at her and pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was one filled with so much love and passion. He broke of the kiss and whispered back to her, their argument long forgotten.

"I love you too,"


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