Chapter 21

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sorry for the late update, was experiencing a major writer's block. hope you love the chapter.

enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment.



They finally managed to go see the kids and Annabelle, the kids had still not let go of each other's hands. The doctor explained that when the nurse had tried to pry their hands away from each other for check up, the children had been inconsolable and they had to do the checkup with the children's hands together.

Zander with the help of the nurse took the children and held them close to his chest and the kids as if by instinct realizing that this was their father curled closer to him funny enough still not letting go of each other's hand. He walked with the kids to Annabelle's room, she was still out due to the drugs they had given her for the pain but the doctor had promised that she would wake up soon.

It was around three in the afternoon when Annabelle woke up with Paul just walking into the room; he had come from checking up on the children who were with their father, Zander had refused to let anyone else touch his babies including their grandparents. The children still wouldn't let go of each other and when it came to feeding time someone had to hold the bottle to their lips.

"Hey you are awake!" Paul said softly rushing to Anna's bedside, "let me call the doctor" as he pressed the button near her bed

"Okay.." Annabelle croaked out making Paul quickly pour her some water from the jug that was by the bed, he put in a straw and held the glass to her lips as she took a few sips that helped her throat stop feeling like it had been scrubbed with some sand paper.

"Where are the babies?" Annabelle asked softly.

"They are with their father, he won't let anyone else touch them," Paul answered her trying to smile but it appeared to be more of a grimace.

"What about Cara? Where is she?"

"They still haven't found her," Paul said with tears welling in his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.

"What! I'm so sorry Paul," Annabelle said bursting into tears, just then the doctor walked in with Zander in tow still with the two children held closely to his chest though they were already asleep. Annabelle cried even more when she saw the children.

"Hey, you need to stop stressing yourself," the doctor said softly to her when she tried to sit up and cried out in pain, "you have some cracked ribs and you shouldn't strain them," he said this as Paul quickly pushed her down, the doctor then sent everyone out in order for him to check her and talk to her privately.

Zander walked with the children back to the room that he had demanded for them because he didn't want them to be put with other sick children. Just as he was about to put the children down for them to continue with their nap; because honestly his hand needed a break, a nurse walked in and due to her surprise at seeing the Zander Moretti she dropped the thing that were in her hand, this loud sound caused the children to wake up crying.

Zander rushed to pick them up and rocked them slowly trying to lull them back to sleep, Isabella having had the children crying rushed into the room asking frantically what was going on, but the she stopped when she noticed Zander's cold glare to the nurse and the mess on the floor.

"Well what are you waiting for? Clean this mess up," Isabella said glaring at the nurse who seemed star struck and was staring at Zander, she quickly picked up the things she had dropped and rushed out of the room. The kids finally fell back asleep and Zander placed them in the crib by the bed where he lay down thinking of what an asshole he had been. Had it not been for him kissing his secretary then all this wouldn't have happened, then he messed up father by accusing Cara of being a sl*t when he had seen her in California but the final blow was threatening her with a divorce. What was he thinking threatening her like that? Why didn't he just go and apologise? Cara had been right, he wasn't man enough.

During all this thinking he must have fallen asleep because he woke up t someone screaming and pulling on his shirt that seemed to be unbuttoned somehow. He quickly sat up and saw Elisabeth slapping the nurse from earlier, he looked and saw his mother holding Alex and his father with Rose; looks like they finally let go of each other

"What's going on?" he asked looking at a furious Elisabeth and a nurse holding an already reddening cheek.

"I came in to the room to check up on the children only to find this b*tch her opening up your shirt taking pictures of you while you were asleep!!" Elisabeth yelled startling the children, making her parent glare at her trying to calm the kids.

"What the actual fu.." Zander trailed of remembering that there were children in the room, feeling very violated. The nurse look terribly embarrassed as she couldn't meet anyone's eyes. She didn't even know what she was thinking trying to do that, just seeing him there sleeping with his hands behind his head had been so tempting that she couldn't resist to see what was beneath that shirt but his sister walked in just as she was taking pictures of him asleep.

"I'm going to talk to the director!!!" Zander said furiously causing the nurse to pale drastically.

"Sir please no, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, please don't go to the director, I will surely get fired," the nurse pleaded.

"Well you should have thought of that before opening my shirt!" Zander said trying to control his voice so as not to startle the children. Just as he was saying this, he received a call; it was the man he had in charge of the rescue operation.

"Hello Patrick, do you have any news on my wife?" Zander asked gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Yes Mr. Moretti, we found her," Patrick said into the call though he didn't sound as if he had good news.

"How is she? Is she okay? Is she alive?" Zander fired questions at the other man, who answered him in an ominous tone.

"I'm sorry Mr. Moretti......." 



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