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her Italian baby... has finally come to an end. thanks to everyone who has supported me as i wrote my first book for public viewing. hope you all loved it.

enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment.



She hated Zander so much right now. She couldn't believe the pain his actions were causing her at again, she couldn't understand why she allowed it to happen again. If only he had kept it in his pants then she wouldn't be in tears at the moment.

"Damn you Zander Moretti! Damn you!!!" She yelled out as tears rolled down her face. She swore to herself never to let herself go through this pain again after the first time but no she just had to put herself in the same predicament again. Damn him!! Damn him!!!

"I hate you so much right now Zander," Cara said as she breathed through the pain, he just had to get her pregnant again and not just one or even two but three damned kids. Zander looked down at her and didn't say a word because he knew that at the moment she really did hate him, or so she was saying.

He remembers the day that she discovered that she was pregnant again as though it was yesterday.


She had been extremely moody for the past several days and so she had put it to the fact that she was due for her periods and at that time she was usually very irritable but this time it seemed her emotions were all over the place. This time round the one who noticed the changes was Zander when they were out by the pool for a swim. He noticed that he boobs looked bigger and her tummy was slightly bulging, he noticed this because she had been exercising after her accident because she had felt that she wasn't pretty enough and she felt fat so she decided she wanted to lose some weight.

"Hey Cara.." Zander called softly unsure of how to broach the topic without upsetting her or making her feel as if he thought that she was fat.


"Did you by any chance notice that your boobs looks a bit.. bigger?" He asked carefully.

"Of course they would be bigger, I do have two kids you know," She said smiling at him but he smiled awkwardly at her not sure how the bring about the point.

"Not that way, I mean don't they seem bigger now than several months ago," Zander said looking at her praying that she won't become upset.

Cara stood up and looked down at her bosom examining it and realized what Zander was saying was true that was when she noticed the bulge of her tummy and immediately went pale and felt lightheaded causing her to sway. Zander jumped to his feet and held her slowly lowering her onto the lounge chair she was using earlier.

"Oh My God!!" She exclaimed pushing Zander away as the realization hit her.

"What's wrong?" Zander asked worried, this caused Cara to turn and glare at him for thinking something was wrong.

"What's wrong? What's wrong!! There is nothing wrong, I'm pregnant," she said smiling brightly, "I'm pregnant Zander," she said placing a hand on her belly looking at her husband who was also smiling.

End of flashback

He actually kind of hated himself at the moment; he didn't like seeing his wife in so much pain. She was in labor ready to give him three more babies, two more boys and a girl. She squeezed his hand so much that he was sure he would bruise and feel the pain for some time.

"Zander it hurts, can't you go any faster. Please hurry.." Cara said switching from bitch mode to desperate.

"We are almost there my love, just hold on a little longer," zander said running a soothing hand on her belly as he instructed the driver to drive faster. They had gotten a driver when Cara had realized that she was once again pregnant and this time with triplets and Zander being the overprotective man he had come to be had immediately hired a driver for her and the kids who were two years and very hyper little bundles of energy that kept everyone on their feet.

The thing that hadn't changed with the two was that they refused to sleep in separate beds and so they had gotten a bigger crib for them. Alex was extremely protective of his little sister, especially around strangers. One time when Annabelle had taken them to the park with Paul, Alex had hit a lady with his toys for trying to pick up Rose cooing that she was the cutest thing she had ever seen, Alex had been furious and thrown a toy truck he was holding at the lady complaining that the lady should not touch his sister.

"No.. Touch Osie!! No touch Osie!!" Alex had yelled standing in front of his sister; it would have been the most adorable sight had the lady not been nursing her eye which was starting to bruise.

"I'm so sorry!" Annabelle exclaimed apologizing, "he is extremely protective of his sister," she tried explaining all panicked to the lady who was trying to smile through the pain.

"It's okay, I had an older brother who was the same way," She said placing a hand on her eye, "Damn he has quite an arm, I should probably go put some ice on this," she said waving goodbye to Annabelle and the kids who had already forgotten of the event and were playing not even realizing that the lady had left.

They arrived at the hospital and were immediately led to the delivery room as Cara was already well dilated and it was time for her to start pushing and bring the little rascals to the world.

"Okay Cara, one the count of three give me a big push, okay" the doctor said and Cara nodded her head in confirmation.

"One..two..three" The doctor counter and at the count of three Cara pushed, this continued for a short while before he first baby came with a loud cry.

"It's a girl," the doctor declared handing the screaming child to the nurse and went back to his work as the second head started to appear.

"Aaaargh!!! Zander I swear that you are never touching me again," this caused the occupants of the room to laugh because they were used to women saying this but Zander paled at the thought but only relaxed when one of the nurses winked at him. About two minutes later the second child joined the Moretti family.

"And we have a boy, and he is also a screamer," the doctor said wincing at the cry. Cara was beginning to feel extremely tired but she knew that there was one more to go and as the doctor said to push, she looked at Zander glaring.

"I swear after this you are going to get a vasectomy!!!!!" she yelled as she gave another push. The doctor looked at Zander sorrowfully because the look in Cara's eyes showed that she was serious and at that very moment she actually meant it!

"Okay darling," Zander said in a bid to pacify his wife, who looked to be in so much pain. He had switched hands earlier because the grip she had on his hand painful for such a small person but he didn't complain because he knew that the pain he felt was nothing compared to what Cara was feeling.

"Aah there we go, and we have another boy!!" the doctor said handing over another screamer to the nurse. "wow!! Your kids sure do have a set of lungs," he said smiling at the two parent.

7 months later.

"Mama.." Sandra Maria Moretti said for the first time making everyone in the room gasp as they looked at the child in Cara's arms and as if on cue her brothers, Angelo Davy Moretti and Gabriel Alonso Moretti also started chanting what their big sister had said.


The end

I really to hope you loved my book.  Have a happy Happy New Year!!!!

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