chapter 9 - Miami bound

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hi so this chapter takes place before Keller's birthday. so july 2nd. you can count ok.


the boys came over while no one was home to help me pack up my things. I know if my mom or worse Craig saw us packing they would flip. I wouldn't ever get the chance to leave but we had a plan. The crew and I our flying out to Miami in the early hours of the morning tomorrow. I am going and never turning back.

"Kel do you want us to pack all these pictures?" Zach said pointing at all the pictures from middle school. With friends. My family. My dad and I. Everything.

But the one that stood out was the one of my brothers and I. Mom and Craig were in that picture. I ripped them out the first time Craig beat us.

"Yeah." I said hesitently.

Austin walked over to me.

"You excited?"

"To get out of here? Yes."

"That. And to live with me."

"More then ever."

Austin had asked his mom if I could stay with them for a couple months and she said I could. I haven't met her yet. I was sort of nervous but Austin told me not to worry.

Marty walked in and everyone froze.

"Guys. It's okay. What's up?" I said to Marty.

"Can we um see you for a sec..?"

"Ahhh sure."

I followed him to Vinny's room. Him and Joe were sitting on the bed. Marty motioned for me to sit on the desk chair. Once I sat Joe started,

"Keller we know you want to leave but you can't just go with seeing mom."

"Yeah. She'll come after you." Vinny added.

"With Craig." Marty spoke up.

"Guys. Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"Do you even have money saved?" Marty questioned.

"Yes. I have been saving for years. I'm not stupid."

"Well. We want you to know that if you ever need anything, we will be there." Joe said sternly.

"Thanks guys. I'll miss you more than anything." I said hugging them.

I walked back into my room and no one really looked up. They just kept packing. I walked into my bathroom and started packing my stuff. I came across my razor. picking it up I questioned weather packing it or not. The door started to open and I quicky threw it into the box. It was Alex.

"Hey need some help?"

"Ahhh yeah. Can you tape this and put it with the others." I said troughing a few thing in the box and puching it towards him.

He picked up the box and walked out. I stared at the empty bathroom and slowly turned and walked out.

Everyone looked at me. My whole room was packed. All my clothes, pictures, and memorable things. Packed. I was really excited.

"Okay so we will be here tomorrow morning with a cab. If you can get out without being noticed... were home free." Alex said in a hushed tone.

"We got this." Austin said resting his arm on my sholder.

My mom was to be home soon so I thanked everyone and said that I would see them tomorrow. Before Austin left he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Goodbye." I said softly.

"Bye baby."

He walked to Alex's car and I waved to them all and I shut the door. I turned around to no one home. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed. I took out a piece of paper and began to write.

" Dear Mom,

I am really sorry but I must do this. I am moving out. I know you tried your hardest to raise us but it got too difficult. Craig is too much for me to handle. What he does isn't fair. You know that. Ever since Dad died things changed. I changed. I know you think I'm crazy and all but I'm not. I will be living on my own, taking care of myself. So happy birthday to me. Your little girl you threw into the mental hospital, and stripped her childhood from, is now 18 and in her way. Thanks for everything. The sad thing is, after all you've put me though, I will still love you no matter what.

- Keller."

I folded the paper and sat it on my bed. I couldn't sleep at all. I heard my mom and Craig come in but they went straight to bed. They never get up. I looked at the clock and it was 3:45 am. The Crew would be here soon. I picked up my phone and texted Austin.

"Hey babe. I'm ready."

"We're almost there. Can't wait to see you."

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. I grabbed my purse and carried a box down stairs. I had only two boxes. I didn't have much to take. I saw the cab roll up and Austin and Alex get out.

"Hey guys."

"Shh aren't your parents home?" Austin whipered.

"Yeah but Craig is blacked out and my mom is hopped up on sleeping pills."

"Are there more boxes upstairs?" Alex said ignoring my statement because he already knew.

"Yeah one."

He ran upsairs and came back with the last box. Austin carried the one I brought down to the car. Alex followed. I walked into each of my brothers rooms and kissed their foreheads. I slipped the letter under my moms door and ran down stairs. Before I walked out I took one last look at the house and closed the door. We got in the cab and i giggled at the sight of Robert and Zach passed out. Austin and Alex were taking pictures of them and uploaded them to Instagram. I had to sit on Austin's lap. We finally arrived at the airport. We checked our bags and my boxes. Austin held his hand on my lower back guiding me to the gate. As we walked onto the plane. People stared. Why? I don't know. And I didn't care. Austin and I sat together and everyone else was spread out.

When we were settled Austin leaned towards me and whispered,

"Happy Birthday Momma."

I crashed my lips onto his.

"Thank you for everything Austin."

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