chapter 24 - why Zach?

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I woke up and Austin wasn't beside me. I stood up and walked to where my phone was. I pulled it off the charger and looked at my screen. I had a text from Austin.

"Went down to the pool. Meet us down here!"

"Be down there soon."

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my black string bikini and my red crop top. After I was dressed I picked up my phone sunglasses and keys and headed downstairs. The elevator opened and Zach was standing there..

"Hey cutie! Meezy sent me up to get you!"

"Welll here I am!"


I walked into the elevator and Zach put his arm around me. I looked up and he pressed his lips to mine. I tried pulling away but he was a lot stronger..

Finally he released his grip.

"Oh my god! What have I done?"

"Zach what the fuck?!"

"I'm sorry!! Please don't tell Austin!"

"I have to tell him!"

"NO! He'll kill me!"

The doors opened and My legs were locked. Zach didn't move either. The doors closed.

"Okay.. I won't tell him."

"Ugh thank you!"

"You have to."


"You have to tell him."

"Keller I-"

"Zach I love you but I finally am happy and nothing is going to fuck this up."

He was quiet.

"Fine" he said breaking the silence.

"Just not today. Let me get my shit together so I don't mess things up."


I reached for the open button but Zach stopped me.

"Are we okay?"

"Yeah. I've known you for too long to let this get between us."


We walked towards the pool and Austin jumped up and ran to me.

"BABY!" He yelled.


I felt so guilty. I basically cheated on him. Gosh I'm such a screw up.

"You hungry??" Austin asked.

"Yeah kinda."

"I'll get you something from the snack bar. Boys! Anything?"

"Coke please!" Alex called from the pool.

"Chips!" Rob yelled.

"Gatorade." Zach added softly.

Alex got out of the pool and hugged me.

"Hey what's wrong?"


"Kel, I know you. What's wrong?"

"Ugh. Zach kissed me."


"Shut up."

"You gonna tell Austin?"

"Zach said he would."

"If he doesn't hear it from you, he's gonna be mad."

"But it wasn't my fault."

"Keller you tell him.."

"I just want to go back to bed."

Austin came back and dropped all the items on the table. I mouthed to Zach 'I'm telling him.'

He shook his head.

I mouthed sorry.

"Austin I gotta talk to you."

"Sure whats up?"

"In private.." I said looking at the boys.

They all walked away but Zach had his hands clasped begging me to not say anything. But I made up my mind. I took his hand and walked towards the beach.

"What's wrong? You're scaring me.."

"Okay. Promise you won't be mad."

"Tell me."



"Zach kissed me in the elevator and he wanted to tell you but I couldn't wait."

He just stared at the water. I put my hand on his shoulder. Austin shot up.

"I'm gonna kill him."

"Austin you promised!"

"What didn't he get by you're mine?" he started to walk back to the pool.

"NO!" I tried holding him back. I dug my feet into the ground but he was strong.

He was walking so fast I couldn't catch up. By the time I got there Robert was holding Austin back from Zach. Austin's fist were clenched and he was yelling. Loud. Alex was running towards me.

"Why is he flipping out?"

"Keller.. Zach kissed his last girlfriend."

I was confused until I heard Austin.

"Can you just let me have one thing?!"

"Austin I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

"Sure Zach!"

"Austin I'm sorry."

"That's what you said last time. Keller actually means something to me. I haven't had anyone like her ever. Why can't you just leave it at that?"

Zach didn't say anything.

"Keller lets go." Austin demanded.

I stuttered to walk but Alex nudged me and I went. He gripped my hand tight. I winced in pain. He loosened his hand but still didn't say anything.

We got up to his condo and he locked himself in our room. I could hear him sob.

Saying I felt terrible was an understatement..

I'll Love You at Your Darkest Moments. (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now