chapter 26 - bye boys

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Today was the day the boys were going back to Texas. Zach and Austin were okay but things were still awkward between them. Zach and I barley looked at each other. I was in Alex's room while he packed.

"I'm going to miss you." I said breaking the silence.
"I'm going to miss you more."
"What are you going to do if Craig goes to your house?"
"Pretend I have no idea where you went."
"What if he doesn't believe you?"
"Keller. I'm an actor. I can fool anyone."
"Except me." I added.
"Very true."

We laughed for a while.

"Are you going to be okay out here? On your own."
"Alex. I'll be okay."
"You know you mean a lot to me. You're my best friend, and I worry about you."
"I know. Austin will take care of me."
"He better. I already talked to him."
"About what?"
"You. How you are. What you need. And how things need to be done."
"What Keller? He needs to know."
"He can figure it out."
"But he won't be able to take care of you properly if he doesn't know now."
"Alex, I love you, but I can take care of myself."

He just looked at me.

Even I knew that was a lie.

"I'm just looking out for you."

I hugged him. We just stood the and hugged.

My best friend is leaving me. I started to cry into his chest.

"Hey hey no tears. We can FaceTime whenever you need me."

I whiped my eyes and nodded.

"I love you Kel. I'll text you when I land."
"You better. Love you too."

The boys left. Austin drove them. So I was alone.

I sat on the couch and tuned on the tv and E! News was on. I decided to watch it for a while.

It was talking about the regular stuff like the Kardashians, Justin Bieber, ect. But something made me really start listening.

"Mahomies hate to break this to you but Austin is off the market."

They cut to a selfie of mine from instagram.

"This young lady, Keller Franco, has confirmed her and Austin's relationship."

I sat there in awe.

"I think they're very cute together." one of the reporters stated.

They cut to a picture of Austin and I at the airport. His arm was around me. How did they get that?

I heard the front door unlock and Austin walked in.

"Hey babe." he said kissing my forehead.
"Hey have you see this?" I said pointing at the tv as they still talked about us.
"Isn't it great?"
"I mean I guess."
"Well I have an interview in an hour and they asked if you would come too?"

I raised my eyebrows..

"C'mon! It'll be fun!"
"Okay." I said hesitantly.
"Lets go get ready."


I am wear a black crop top that said "gangster rap made me do it" with dark wash shorts and my black high top converse. I looked at my hair, a mess as usual. I saw a black beanie on the dresser. I slid it onto my head. Much better.

Austin walked out of the closet and was wearing blue "Step Brothers" shirt, black jeans and blue high tops. His hair was messy but hot.

"Nice hat." he said smiling.
"My hairs a mess you don't even understand."
"You look perfect."
"You're not to bad yourself."
"Ready?" He said holding out his hand..
"As I'll ever be." I said nervously smiling and taking his hand.
"It will be great. I promise."
"Whatever you say.."

A car picked us up. Dave was already in the car.

"Hey guys! Whats up?"
"Whats up man?" Austin said doing their little bro shake.
"Hi Dave." I said softly.
"Hey Kel. You excited?"
"She's nervous." Austin answered.

When we arrived to the building, hundreds of girls were there screaming and running towards the car. I squeezed Austins hand tighter.

"Hey. I got you. Nothings going to happen." Austin said holding my chin.
"And plus, I'm here. I won't let anything happen." Dave said fatherly.

I nodded.

"Ready Meezy?" Dave said.
"You bet."


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