Chapter 8

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Lucius's study reminded Arabella of Severus's, except it lacked the warmth and familiarity. She sat quietly by the blazing fireplace, watching as Lucius poured himself some sort of drink.

She knew it was coming. Narcissa had spoken to her first, and obviously failed, so Lucius was going to put his foot down.

Despite the fear coiling her stomach, Arabella schooled her face to be aloof, familiar of Severus most of the time.

"I refuse to sugar-coat my words like Narcissa" Lucius finally spoke, "You and I both know what will happen if you are not sorted correctly"

Arabella pressed her lips into a thin line, could Narcissa and Lucius disown Arabella despite neither of them being part of the Noble house of Black?

"My son knows his place, rightfully so, but I fear Severus's hasn't taught you the importance of blood purity" Lucius shook his head, "You were raised nothing like your disloyal father. You were raised to follow the traditions of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, like Narcissa and Bellatrix"

"Toujours pur" Arabella recited back, "I know where my loyalties lie"

Lucius took a drink from his tumbler, and Arabella had the slightest feeling she had said the wrong thing. She clenched her hands at her sides, reminding herself he wouldn't do anything because of Severus.

He can't hurt me. He can't touch me. Severus would kill him, Lucius is scared of him.

The eldest Malfoy tapped the floor with his cane once, twice before he glared down at the girl, "I'm not as dull as you believe me to be, girl. I know that you perceive me as ignorant, girl, but it would do you well to not" He said calmly, "I will not have my family be tainted, conversing with a blood traitor such as yourself"

It wasn't a surprise that Lucius didn't like her, but Arabella almost couldn't believe he was being so candid about it.

"I understand, Uncle" Arabella promised, knowing it was unwise to enrage him with her attitude, "You can count on me"

Lucius sneered, "Let us be sure that I can" Without warning, he released his wand from the cane and pointed it at her, "Crucio"

Arabella jerked off the chair as an immeasurable pain tore through the little girl's body. It felt as if someone had stabbed her repeatedly, dragged the blade across every inch of her body and lit her on fire for the hell of it.

Lucius lifted the curse, "I want you to answer me, and think very carefully about what you say next"

Arabella curled against herself, uncontrollably shivering.

"Where does your loyalty lay?"

Arabella opened her mouth but her throat suddenly felt as rough as sand paper, and nothing but a squeak come out.


"Slytherin" Arabella babbled, sobbing loudly, "Slytherin. H-h-ouse Black. Please, please stop, stop!"

He lifted the curse again, "Tell me where your loyalties lay, girl?"

Arabella clenched her jaw, now she really didn't like Severus and couldn't give a damn what he wanted. She lifted her head off the floor, giving Lucius her most mocking smirk, "Gryffindor, I believe" She rasped.

Lucius looked surprised for a moment, before squaring his shoulders and raising his wand once more, "Crucio" It was a lesson that needed to be taught, he reasoned with himself, for her own good.

Arabella continued to curl against herself, biting her lip raw to contain the sobs and screams coming from her throat.

Mildly impressed by her resilience, Lucius warned, "Last chance, girl"

"I dunno" She slurred, feeling the telltale signs of passing out, "Hufflepuff sounds nice"

The wand in Lucius's hand bent in distress, "You are no daughter of the House of Black, and you're not Severus Snape's daughter either. Let this be a lesson, Avada..." 

Arabella Black, The Daughter Of Padfoot (Redux)Where stories live. Discover now