Chapter 15

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The first day of the year was most hectic for first years, all except for Arabella. She watched as her classmates scrambled to get ready, thanking her lucky stars that she explored Hogwarts during all those summers with Severus.

"You're very calm this morning" Matt greeted as Arabella stepped out of the dorm, "Perks of being the daughter of a Professor?"

Arabella flashed him a cheeky grin, "Of course"

Matt nudged the unfamiliar boy next to him, "Hey, wake up! This is the girl we were telling you about last night"

The boy glanced up. He looked confused before his eyes settled on first year talking to his best friend. He smiled at her, tight-lipped and crooked, and Arabella just about swooned.

"Oh, good morning" He said, "We didn't meet at the feast yesterday, but John ant Matt told me all about you"

"I think everybody heard about me after last night" She flashed Matt a look, who looked sheepish to return for his outburst, "I'm Arabella Black, anyways"

"I'm Cedric Diggory" He replied, glowing with pride, "Welcome to Hufflepuff, Arabella Black"

She hoped she wasn't blushing but she had a feeling she wasn't just warm because of the fireplace, "Thank you" Arabella glanced at the exit, "I better get to class— can't keep Quirrell waiting"

Matt groaned, "He's the worst, have fun!"

Cedric's musical chuckle followed Arabella out the barrels.


Arabella decided, somewhere between meeting Quirrell and listening to him stutter his way through the lesson, that she didn't like him.

There was something about him —not unlike Lucius— that set her teeth on edge. She wasn't sure if it was the stuttering or the off-putting staring, but he gave her the creeps.

She hurried to her next class, thankful to escape Quirrell. Her next class was charms, and the moment she whipped out her wand for the first time she felt like a real witch.

Unfortunately they didn't do much for the introduction day, but Arabella did managed lift the feather off her desk, even if it was for just a moment.

Despite being a Hufflepuff, Arabella had feeling she wasn't going to be too good at Herbology but, that didn't mean she enjoyed it any less. She would just have to listen extra carefully.

Transfiguration was the class she was most excited for— though she never dared tell Severus that. Arabella laughed as everybody cooed at the tabby sitting on McGonagall's desk, and when she turned back into the Professor, Arabella continued to giggle as everyone gasped with shock and embarrassment.

McGonagall even gave Arabella a house point for answering the question right, slyly winking at the girl when no one was looking.

Potions class was her second last class of the day. The dungeons were much colder the rest of the castle, even the basement, but Arabella felt quite at home in the dungeons— after all, it was just like home.

They arrived before Severus. Arabella counted the minutes until Severus made his theatrical entrance, as he did every year, and didn't blink as the door shot open behind them.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making" He glared down at the silent class, his voice not above a whisper, "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses"

Arabella looked away, sucking her cheeks as she desperately tried not to laugh at his dramatic monologue.

"I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper to death, if you aren't as big of a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach"

With a quick glance around the room, Arabella watched the Hufflepuff's shrink in their seats while the Ravenclaws leaned forwards, determined to prove themselves.

"I will make it simple, and begin with the ingredients. Open your books, and turned to the page twenty-five"


Arabella wasn't sure what she was expecting but only Professor Snape would expect an essay about Dragon's blood during their first potions class. But she got the feeling he was being easy on them, for whatever reason.

With a few quick strokes of her quill, Arabella had finished before the rest of the class. Perks of being the Potions Master's daughter, she thought, taking a quick glance at the girl next to her.

It seemed that Bree, the girl who she sat beside at the feast, was struggling and only have seven of the twelve uses.

"Good for stains" Arabella murmured.

Bree scribbled down the words. Seven was better than six. She gave Arabella a thankful glance.

Arabella stood, and walked over to Professor Snape's desk. She placed her parchment on his desk and watched him glimpse at it before turning back to his book.

"Good," It was about as much of a compliment she was gonna get, "Sit down"

"You didn't look at it" Arabella pointed out.

"Do I need to?" Severus questioned. This was child's play for somebody at her skill, why should he check?

Arabella quickly shook her head, flashing her father a grin before stepping away from his desk.

"Stay behind after class"

She nodded again, knowing that they needed to talk about the Hufflepuff sized elephant in the room. "Yes, Professor"

Severus watched as she sat back down while the rest of the class struggled. If they thought this was hard, they weren't going to do any better tomorrow when they began the real potions making.

It had been a long day. Primrose had glared at him all through breakfast, he was tired of hearing about Harry Potter already and Draco's smug little smirk was grating on his nerves.

All he wanted was for today to be over, and the children couldn't make that big of a disaster from an essay.

When class finished, the students were quick to flee Professor Snape's classroom, leaving Arabella with her father.

His scowl only lightened slightly as he looked down at the girl, "Hufflepuff" He began, breaking the silence, "Congratulations"

Arabella laughed softly, "Next time, maybe loosen up on the sarcasm when you say that" She tugged at the knot of her tie, "It's not a very good house" She drawled, managing a poor impression of Severus's monotone growl.

"Perhaps you'll make it better" Severus stood, approaching his daughter, "How are classes?"

"Fine," Arabella tilted her head at him, eyebrows pinching together, "Are you not upset?" She got straight into it, bracing herself for the worst.

"I don't care much what house you're in, as long as it's not Gryffindor" Severus assured, watching as relief spread through his daughter. She uncurled, no longer ready to take a blow.

"However," Severus sighed, watching as Arabella tensed, "I caught Draco sending a letter this morning"

"No doubt to tell Lucius and Narcissa" Arabella snapped.

"I would think so. I expect you'll receive a letter tomorrow, I can't do much to intercept it"

"I look forwards to it" She said sarcastically, "The Heir of House Black, A Hufflepuff? The shame, the dishonor"

"I'm... I'm happy for you" Severus sniffed, raising his hooked nose in the hair.

It was probably as close as I'm proud of you as Arabella ever heard him, and a large smile split her face, "Now I have to hug you" She warned, "If you say things like that, I have to hug you"

He stiffly held out his arms to her, "If you must"

She laughed into his robes as he wrapped his cloak around her. He secretly loved it.

Arabella Black, The Daughter Of Padfoot (Redux)Where stories live. Discover now