Chapter 16

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"Thanks for helping me in class" Bree had said, catching up with Arabella on their way to the Quidditch field, "Your Dad's kind of terrifying"

Arabella rolled her eyes, how many times had she heard that today? "He's the best potions master out there, if you don't get on his wrong side" She shrugged, "But don't worry about it. That him going easy on us"

But Bree didn't look too convinced. "I think I'm gonna fall asleep on my broom" She admitted through a yawn.

"One more class until dinner" Arabella reminded, chuckling as the girl perked up, "If you fall asleep in your potatoes, I won't wake you" She teased.

"Wicked, thanks" Bree snorted.

The two girls continued to babble about their classes, laughing as Bree admitted to fallen asleep during History of Magic, as they reached the pitch.

Arabella squinted, noticing Matt, Liz and Cedric watching them from afar.

She brightly waved to them, laughing as they yelled back.

Madam Hooch wasted no time once everybody arrived, giving a quick demonstration before she blew her whistle.

"Up!" Arabella demanded, catching the broom with ease.

Next to her, Bree had also had her broom but the girl next to her, Alena, hadn't quite managed to get it moving.

"Good, good" Hooch praised the class, "Now once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it— grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end" She raised the whistle to her lips, "When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground— hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, and then lean forwards to touch back down; on my whistle— three, two, one!"

The older students watched as Arabella hovered off the ground almost immediately after Hooch blew her whistle, followed by the girl next to her and a few of the other Ravenclaws.

"What are we gonna do?" Matt bemoaned to his friends, "It's the same people who tried out last year"

"We let them join" Liz shrugged, excepting it for what it was.

"But they're not good" Matt stressed, his arms waving around flamboyantly.

"Liz is right, we'll just have to practice more" Cedric dodged a stray arm, "We'll just have to get better"

"Easier said than done" Liz muttered to herself, but kept her eyes on the first years, "Some of them aren't bad, they look like they know what they're doing"

"Sirius Black was a beater, back in the day, a damn good one too" Matt wrinkled his nose, "Isn't that kinda cruel, if we made a second year a beater?"

Liz and Cedric shared a look over Matt's head, "I think that's the most sensible thing you've ever said" Liz said, shoving Matt into Cedric as they laughed.


Primrose Evans watched the last class of the day leave with a groan. She stood, stretching her limbs like a big cat. Teaching was hard work, and everybody had good questions with hard answers.

She even had assigned homework for the first time in her life, about pens of all things!

"Just, write me an essay about like, pens or something. Let's work our way to the big stuff, like movies and kitchen appliances" She had never seen so many children be amazed by pens before, it had been the most amusing thing. Unfortunately, she was definitely out of pens.

Knock, Knock.

"Come in!" Primrose called, expecting a student who had forgotten something.

Arabella Black, The Daughter Of Padfoot (Redux)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя