chapter 13

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Skip to leaving mystic falls.

Niklaus' pov

Me and Cleo are dating and she went to new Orleans for 2 weeks to visit her friends. She calls every night. I went to new Orleans cause Katerina said there was a witch conspiring against me. I saw Marcel and than Elijah finds me.

Niklaus you need to come with me it involves Cleo. He said and I froze. She hasn't called me in a week. That was the other reason I came was so I could find her. I'm worried. I looked at Elijah and we flashed to a cemetery. I picked up Cleo's sent and smiled but was still worried. We walked into a crypt and they brought out Cleo she said me and ran into my arms.

Nik I'm so sorry I dropped my phone and then got witchnapped. She said and I held her and said it's okay. She pulled away and looked at me.

Nik um-- she was cut of by a witch.

She's pregnant with your baby. She said and I looked at Cleo and she was crying.

Leo it's okay love. We will take care of this baby no matter what the cost is. I said and pulled her into a hug.

The witch that kidnapped me here linked me to her sister. Anything that happens to her happens to me and vice versa. She said and I nodded okay. Elijah pulled her into a hug and she smiled. She's gotten close with my sibling's especially Kol. It's going to devastate her when I tell her about Kol.

Is Rebekah here? She asked and Elijah said she's in mystic falls.

Cleo's pov

You help us take down Marcel and we won't hurt that baby and Cleo. Sophie said and I hissed at her. She doesn't know I'm more powerful than her and I'm going to keep it that way.

Why can't we just kill him? I asked and she glared at me.

Let me guess he has something of yours. I said and she nodded.

Can I go home now. I've spent a week here and I smell and want to get some food unless you want to tap a vein open of one of your witches. I said and they all started to give me a headache but I didn't scream in pain. I guess Nik new what I was about to do cause next thing I know is I'm being kissed. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away.

Count your self lucky. I said and walked out of the crypt with Nik and Elijah following me.

The witches said there's another girl out there that's pregnant with a Mikaelson baby. She said it's Kol's baby. I said and they looked at me sad.

Caroline called me and told me what happened. Can we at least find the girl and take care of her? I asked and they nodded yes.

They said she's in the bayou and her name is Hayley Marshall. I said and they nodded we flashed to the bayou and found her.

Are you Hayley Marshall? I asked her and she nodded yes.

Um I don't know if you know this but the guy you slept with 2 weeks was a vampire witch and your 2 weeks pregnant with his kid. We are here to take you in our home. I said and she looked at me shocked and felt her stomach. She listened in and gasped.

There's two heart beats! She said and I giggled. One of those heart beats is my baby. I said and touched my stomch. She smiled and came with us. We went to the plantation and I had Nik go to the store.

Month later.

Elijah is back and I went to see Davina and she was shock I was pregnant and I told her not to tell Marcel I compelled her technically but anyways we hung out for a bit but than I left. Davina, Thierry and Diego only know I'm pregnant and they kept my secret. Marcel will get jealous that I'm not with him and he would try to kill Nik or who he thought was the dad. No one except the Mikaelson's and Hayley and the witches know me and him are together. Agnes is dead cause well she went after my baby. Hayley tried to get ride of her baby but couldn't go through with it. Rebekah is looking for some 16 year old girl and I've been stuck in bed sleeping most the time. Being pregnant sucks one minute you want to do stuff the next it's like no I want sleep. Than your happy, sad, mad. I've thrown up a lot and it sucks. I went down stairs and felt the baby kick.

Oi. I said and touched my belly and they kicked again. I'm 1 month and Hayley is almost a month. I think my baby is a boy and Hayley thanks hers is a girl. I picked out the names and it's Henrik Kol Mikaelson and for a girl Hope Leo Mikaelson. All I know is I'm bigger than I'm supposed to be.

Nik can you call Sophie and have her come over? I asked walking into the living room.

Yeah. what's wrong love? He asked and got worried.

Nothing babe just my stomach is bigger than its supposed to be. I said and he said okay. I went to kiss him but he dodged it. So I pouted and he kissed me and it got deepened. He flashed us to our room and I giggled the whole way.

Hour later.

Babe the beds broke. I said and right when I said that Elijah and Rebekah barged in.

Bloody hell does your family ever knock. I said and hid under the covers. They laughed at me and I waved my hand and it shut the door. I was about kiss Nik when my phoned started to ring.


Cleo it's Elena. I thought you should know Katherine is dead.

Who killed her?

Well I forced the cure down her throat, and Silas drank all her blood so she died from old age.

Are you all going to have a funeral?

Um if you want to do one.

No I'm good. I don't feel like dieing by the hands of Silas.

Silas is dead, and okay and what's this I hear about you being pregnant?

I um I um. Nothing.

Cleo talk to me I'm your sister.

Fine but it goes in the vault and I mean it Elena.

It's in the vault.

I'm pregnant but I'm getting an answer today if I'm having twins.

Oh my god I'm so coming to visit. I'll bring jer too.

Wait I thought he died on the island?

Bonnie brought him back only for her to die though.

Oh I'm sorry about Bonnie, Elena.

It's okay thanks when can we visit? She asked and I looked at Nik and he was glaring.

Um I'll get back to you on that one.

Okay just text me the answer. She said and I hung up. I flashed to the closet and got some undergarments on and sweats and one of Nik's shirts.

Nik can they come visit or not? I asked and looked at him.

Love do you think it's safe I mean we have to deal with Marcel.

Nik they will be fine. I love you and your family but with them barging in on us than I need to see my family to keep me smiling. I said and he flashed in front of me.

Your sister barged on us that one time. He said and I playfully punched him in the stomach.

Yea once your family barges everytime the bed breaks. I said and walked out of the room.

That's not true love. He yelled out and I giggled.

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