Chapter 14

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***Fay's POV***

It's been three days since that little incident, and not once have I spoken to Luke. Instead, I paired up with Cleo for patrols, leaving Damien to deal with the jerk.

"So you still aren't talking to him?" Cleo sighed as if our silence was wearing down on her.

"Nope." I smiled popping the p at the end.

"You still haven't told me what happened." She pouted, for a twenty year old, she acted like a child.

"He's a jerk, douchebag, and a complete a-hole. Do I need another reason?" Came the bitter reply; Cleo held her hands up submissively.

"Alright alright, I get you. But he hasn't even done anything lately, you guys haven't even acknowledged each other's presence! It's so weird..." Oh I've acknowledged him alright, slamming doors in his face, finishing his favorite cereal, and blasting my music at an ungodly hour.

"Aren't we supposed to be looking for someone?" I reminded her. There had been a rouge wolf hiding somewhere in Area 2, just past the border of Victor's territory. Here were mainly bars and clubs, the 'entertainment' part of the town. And so, Cleo and I dressed for the part. Cleo chose to go with tight leather pants, a red strapless shirt, a short leather jacket, and heels to match her top. I went with something a bit more mobile. A white crop top with a silver feather on it, a short black skirt, and black boots. If anything were to happen there was no way in hell that I could run or fight in heels.

"Hey Mami! Want a little company?"

"Damn! Look at them legs!" A few guys across the street whistled at Cleo who flashed them a flirtatious smile.

"Not tonight sweetheart." She grabbed my hand and subtlety tugged me along. We approached 'Lucas Alley', the most popular club in town. It was a hole in the wall kind of place, but the vibe was like no other. Music blared through the building, the bass reverberating within me and I couldn't help but smile. I wanted to go out on the dance floor but Cleo's slow searching eyes made me focus again.

"We can't just stand here either, that's too obvious."

"Hunting this rogue won't be easy either. We'll have to make him come to us."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" I looked around and noticing several wolves, vampires, and other beings. This was open land after all, here everyone could mingle freely. With a sudden yank, Cleo led me to the dance floor and I cheered inside.

"Best way to draw a male's attention." She winked swinging her hips to the beat of the song. Everybody was dancing and having a good time and only a few sat at or around the booths set aside for those taking a break or drinking. Before long, a handsome young man tapped on Cleo's shoulder and said something in her ear, she shook her head.

"Trying to stay sober tonight but thanks. Why not join us? Sometimes you can get just as drunk." Cleo led him to the center of the floor, the man grinned and placed his hands on her hips. I decided to take a break, keeping Cleo within my sights, I sat at one of the empty booths with a happy sigh. She was so different like this, normally she's Damien's partner in crime, but out here she's a professional butt-kicking seductress.

"Your first time here?" He wore a navy blue button-up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His raven colored hair was long enough to fall into his eyes. His smell was a bit alluring and the confident gleam in his hazel eyes brought a smile to my face.

"Yea, my friend thought it was about time for me to get out of the house and...try new things." I added slowly.

"May I sit?" He placed his hand on the seat on the other side of the table.

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