Chapter 28

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"TONY?!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs but the woman covered my mouth with a panicked haste.

"Quiet, son! He'll hear you!" She hissed as she dragged me along down an alley. I could hear fighting a good distance away. I was covered in sweat and blood, but I knew my cuts would heal soon. She seemed to be searching for something, feeling around the brick walls with her fingertips. "Here!" There was a piece of a brick she was able to pry loose, behind it, lay a key. Her hand captured my wrist again and our flee continued down four more blocks.

"We can't leave Tony!" I argued, but for some odd reason, I couldn't stop following her.

"He made the decision himself!" She snapped finding the door she wanted. Inside was like a vacuum, I could no longer hear what was going on outside the walls. "Listen now, child. I don't have much time, so you need to pay attention!" She pulled out several vials from her bag and poured them into her bowl. She grabbed my hand, slicing my palm before holding it over the bowl to collect my blood. "Your father won't be able to find you after this, neither will your brother, if he manages to keep himself in one piece. You will not remember any of this as it is though."

"What are you doing?!" I pulled my hand away and stared into her eyes. I don't believe I've ever seen so much pain in those green gems of hers.

"This is the only way I can keep you safe but still allow you to have a life. Make the most of it! Should you ever break the spell..." Mom bit her lower to keep herself from crying. "DO NOT EVER go looking for them. Do you understand me?" She lit a match and began saying words in latin.

"But Tony-"

"Bestiae et in captionem, dea lunae accipere sacrificium!" Her eyes grew a white glaze, and in that moment it felt as if the fire in the bowl were in my veins. What did she do?!

"Mom!" The fire continued up to my head and I felt weak, everything was beginning to hurt a like new. My senses dulled and strong wave of vulnerability came over me. What's happening?!

"Forgive me, child." I heard someone say, their voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place a name to it. Light filled the room, so brightly that I was blinded. A sweet scent filled the air as it did, and I felt in awe. But the moment the light died, I was alone in the dark. But where exactly was I? A gun cocked to my right and I ducked instinctually.

"Let me see your hands!" The woman shouted from the shadows.

"Whoa! Whoa! Hey!" I raised my hands slowly. Damn my body hurts! Where's Tony?! Something doesn't feel right..Like a deer caught in the middle of the road, my brain failed to make sense of anything, but my motor skills haven't left completely.

"Were you bitten? Did they get to you?" The woman fired one question after the other. I definitely preferred the verbal bombardment rather than an attack with a little more lead.

" don't think so? I-I need to find my brother."

"Your brother?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, I think we got separated somehow.."

"Head to the door on your right and keep your hands where I can see them or I swear I'll blast you so full of silver-"


"Walk!" The woman snapped and I obeyed, instantly shutting my cake hole. Once we exited the building I was pushed against a wall while my arms were yanked behind me. There was metal clicking and-

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