Chapter 24

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The moment I bit down into his neck, he gasped before crying out in pain. His body stiffened as if he had just been electrocuted or stung or something to that nature. A wave of energy blasted through the room, the little light we had on burst and went out.

"Luke?! Hey! What's going on?" I didn't know what it would be like to mark someone, or what exactly they would go through. But I'm sure this wasn't right either..."Luke? Wake up!" I cradled his face in my hands while he fell unconscious, his pulse slow and faint. "Eliza! Eliza!'' I jumped off the bed and quickly tugged on my clothes in a panic. "Eliza!" I sprinted to the room she shared with the other wolves and pounded on the door, feeling slightly nauseous with shock. Daniel opened the door, fully alert.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Luke, he was fine and then all of a sudden he was in pain! He won't wake up! It wasn't supposed to happen like this!" We all raced back to my room and I realized too late that I had left my mate lying on the bed....completely nude....

"What the HELL?!"

"Oh my GODDESS!!"

"Whoa!" They all skidded to a halt at the door and turned away while I rushed to cover him with the sheets. I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments, but this one had to take the cake...


"Right, um....F-Fay, what happened...?" Daniel looked everywhere but at me or the unconscious man," Please skip any unnecessary details."

"R-right..Uh, well I was going to mark him. But when I bit into him, he was suddenly in a lot of pain. Then there was this strange blast that knocked him out and took the lights out with it. His pulse is barely there...Is that..normal?" The three wolves gaped in disbelief before the beta collected himself.

"Shawn, do a quick security sweep. We felt the wave but had no idea where it came from. If we felt it, no doubt anyone close by felt it too.

"So it isn't normal?" I concluded, biting my bottom lip.

"No, this kind of thing...doesn't usually happen." Eliza replied, "But then again, he is human, and you being the Lord's daughter..Might have something to do with it?"

"No, there have been other inter-specie matches, but nothing like this was ever reported. I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you." Daniel sniffed the air and took a step closer to the bed. He sniffed again and his face was overcome with bewilderment.

"What?" I sniffed the air, but whatever he had detected was gone.

"I don't know...It might just be nothing. " Shawn returned and didn't report anything out of the ordinary. "Anyways, whatever shock he got from the bite, we have no way of knowing exactly what happened. Just watch over him these next few hours, see if he comes to." Daniel left with Eliza and Shawn, leaving me alone again with a half dead man in my bed.

After a few agonizingly long hours, Luke's heartbeat became steady and strong again, but he didn't wake up. Normally when a wolf bites a human, the human turns right..? Could this have anything to do with that process? Shit! Did he even know what it would do it him?!

I didn't sleep at all, and by the next morning, I was a fritzy mess. All throuh the night I did what I could to take him up, but he remained as silent and still as ever. Cold water, hot water, slapping, I even shoved him off the bed, nothing worked.

"Screw it, I need sleep." I sighed, finally laying on the bed all by myself. My eyes closed but sleep wouldn't come. Little feet stomped outside in the hallway. So that's what time it was already? There was a groan and a cough from the floor. "Are you friggin kidding me?!" I growled.

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