Chapter 22

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I awoke to the sensation of lips against my temple and a warm firmness tangled around me. Sunlight shone in a thin ray across the room, and the melody of synced heartbeats rang in my ear. Then suddenly, the tempo changed and the chest pushed against me with a deep inhale.

"Good morning, mutt."

"Good morning, Warden." I replied with a teasing smile he couldn't see, wait...wha?! I looked up and was aware of my situation. Our limbs had knotted up one way or another, bringing us close together with my head in the crevice of his neck. Though I willed against it with all my soul, my cheeks reddened all the while my eyes traveled up to meet his. The view from here made him down right gorgeous, all disheveled and happy, yet soft and comforting. "U-umm could you let me go please?"

"Why?" Luke's head tilted to a side like the stray that he is, catching me off guard.

"W-what do you mean why?!" I blushed even harder and began trying to wriggle free.

"There's no training today due to the party tonight, we have absolutely nothing we need to do at this very moment." He held me in place, my efforts proving futile. "Besides, it's too rare of an occasion where I get to hold you like this." He whispered in my ear; everything in my existence tingled. It felt too right, to just be carried off with this bliss.

"Luke...we can't.." He ignored my protests, instead, his lips traveled down to mine. They brushed against my lips so lightly, my breath was coaxed out of my lungs. My heart involuntarily fluttered while butterflies ran a rampage in my stomach.

"I've been holding back for so long, Fay." Luke kissed me again, lingering for only a few seconds longer. Feck fickled fudgesticks!! "Like this?"My neck was next and a noise escaped from me earning a chuckle. His teeth lightly grazed the delicate skin and my hand grasped the sheets.

"Luke, we really shouldn't...holy shit..." My train of thought dive bombed into the sky and set my motor skills on autopilot. His hands explored above my clothes, but underneath, my skin was burning

"You're perfect Fay, perfect for me."

"Luke.." My happiness began dwindling. How could he say this when he really didn't know the mess inside?

"Shh..let me finish or I won't ever." He closed his eyes, his cheeks rosy with sheepishness. "Though you're ridiculously hot-headed and stubborn, you're also kind, smart, and strong. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, inside and out. You have your rough edges, but that doesn't matter."

"'re not so bad yourself..."I croaked like an idiot, mentally face-palming myself afterwards. He laughed yet again and nuzzled my neck. "You know it's funny, sometimes you're all stone cold soldier, and other times you're like a stray puppy."

"Hey this stray puppy's got a master now." He winked at me and I covered my face with my hands. Oh geez! "I'm sorry though, for all those times I was a jerk to you. It was the only thing I could do to distance myself from you, but it was still wrong."

"It's ok, we were both doing the same thing, but clearly you have more experience being an ass." I smirked.

"Don't push it, mutt."

"But you know, I don't really know all that much about you."

"There really isn't much.."Luke stretched, "What do you want to know?" I bit my bottom lip, racking around my mind for something to ask. It wasn't like I had prepared interview questions...

"Can you really play the cello?" I remembered seeing the case in his room, but it looked as thought it hadn't been moved in a while.

"I used to play." He began, " I was actually pretty good."

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