Chapter 18

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I was awakened by a light tap on wood, the heaviness of sleep wouldn't loosen its grip though. What time was it anyways? The door opened slowly and Daniel popped his head inside, his eyes widen after a moment.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt anything! I'll wait for you out here." I blinked groggily, 'What the hell is he talking about?' I took in a deep breath and moved to stretch but I couldn't. I looked down to see Fay in my arms, her head resting next to my chest, our legs intertwined. She was still asleep with a relaxed smile decorating her face. She looked so beautiful like this...'Wait! What am I thinking?! How did this happen?!' I knew if she woke up now, she'd skin me alive. Untangling myself from her as best as I could, there was still the matter of my hand being held hostage. I tugged gently, but her grip tightened, holding it closer. The rest of my body was now off the bed, so at least if she wakes up, I won't die for supposed sexual harassment.

"Fay!" I shook her gently, "Wake up!" She didn't respond. "Come on you lazy mutt! Wake up! It's late!" A fact I didn't know for sure. She wriggled closer to me, seeking warmth. What is this?! She isn't a heavy sleeper, just ask Cleo! I shook her more violently and she groaned. "Wake up! We have the party to get ready for!"

"Screw the party." She mumbled, curling up into a ball.

"Thomas is going to eat your strawberries!"

***Fay's POV***

"Screw the party." I mumbled, whatever party it was, it wasn't that important. I was warm at one point, but now I felt cold, the temperature ripping sleep's blanket off of me.

"Thomas is going to eat your strawberries!" The annoying voice shouted and my eyes flew open.

"He better not!" I growled menacingly, in front of me Warden had laughter in his green eyes. "Wait, we're not at the church..." I blinked.

"It was the only way I could wake you up. Now can I have my hand back?" A smirk broke out on his face as realization hit me like a train. Blood rushed up to my cheeks so fast I thought they would burst.

"W..when did this happen?!" I scooted back, wiping my hands on the sheets. Ewwww now I've got psycho cooties!  Am I going to die?! That is such a lame way to die...

"I came to wake you up and you just grabbed my hand." He answered, walking towards the door. "I'm going with Daniel, you should probably find Victor's daughter."

"R...right." I nodded, still completely flustered. I waited until I knew he was gone for sure. Why did I do that?! I took a deep breath to calm myself but allspice commandeered my conscience.  It smelled so good, flooding my chest with warmth. It smelled like Christmas, my favorite holiday... "Christmas..." I sighed, lost in the aroma, "Wait... Christmas! The party!" I looked over at the digital clock that sat on a little table by the bed. 6:45pm "Shit!!!"

Finding Victor's daughter wasn't hard. Eliza was the spitting image of her father, only more feminine. Her raven colored hair flowed endlessly in glossy voluminous sheets.  She practically tackled me the moment I ventured out of my room. With her hand firmly clasped around my wrist, she led me to her room, straight to her closet. The whole time, she chatted my ear off about finding the right color, style, etc.

Within 10 minutes she picked out a dress and heels to match. And I couldn't say no. Men obviously don't take in consideration all measurements when comparing sizes. Eliza had more of a curvy body than me, so only one looked remotely close to fitting my slim figure. I took the clothes back to the room to get ready and froze in the doorway. As much as I willed it my eyes wouldn't look away. Luke was fresh out of the shower with only a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. Steam rose from his skin and his dark hair dripped, matting to his forehead. His emerald eyes widen when he saw me slack-jawed in the doorway.

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