Chapter 34

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She was fluid and fierce, the spirit of her wolf well practiced in the art of war, guiding her every attack. There was something ancient and feral in her eyes as she took the down the vampires. It wasn't a swift and easy death. It was calculated and vengeful. It was a slow punishment. She snarled at the dismembered creatures, her body ready for more. And there would be many more if we didn't leave!

'Fay we have to go! No doubt they'll be sending in reinforcements now that they know you're here.'

'Let them....' She paused, struggling for control,' I'm on my way.' It seemed to be getting harder for her, each time she wielded that sword, it was a boost to her wolf. The power of the Lord adding on to the natural alpha blood in her, it isn't easy to keep such a spirit contained. In a matter of moments, Fay had climbed down from the fire escape; her sword, which had shrunk to the size of a knife, was tucked away.

"I can walk, dammit!" Sam tried wriggling out of my grasp but I held him in place with ease.

"The more you struggle, the quicker you'll bleed out." I replied with a matter-of-fact tone. I wouldn't mind if he kicked the bucket, but Fay needed him alive. Roman and Daniel were a few paces ahead, trying to stay in the growing shadows. From across the street, I could see Alexander rise. Fay followed close behind as we took to the back way towards Victor's territory. I could smell some warriors lining the border, prepared to defend it.


The shoppers from earlier had completely vanished, and the town center appeared as what it was. Cold, empty, and dangerous. But not a soul stirred.

"Perfect timing!" Jo smiled, seemingly giving Roman all the credit for a plan well executed. It was one final stretch before we crossed into friendly land. A simple parking lot separated us from the part of town Victor controlled.

"We're not there yet." Daniel huffed.

There were hisses and snarls behind us. Several large cats crept forward, bodies ready to pounce. The leader was a white tiger who kept to the rear. A lioness and snow leopard stalked a few paced ahead.

"Easy kitties, don't you know how this is going to play out?" Roman growled with half a smile. Alexander already had Maria in his arms. He held her close, baring his fangs at the felines.

"Alexander, why don't you, Luke, and Roman take the humans to the pack house. We'll take care of this." Daniel suggested, though it subtly sounded like an order. After being away from his love for so long, her safety was his top priority. Hold on...

"I'm not leaving Fay." I nearly dropped the burden from my shoulders, literally.

"Luke, he needs medical attention."

"And if she gets out of control, who's going to stop her?" I countered before wincing at my words. Definitely not how I should have said it. With a yowl the leopard sprang, not waiting for us to make up our minds. "Damn you!" I snarled at the cat as we split up. Now I had no choice but to obey, to give my mate reassurance that I trust her. She will be fine on her own!

We ran for the border while chaos erupted behind us. With one last glance over my shoulder, I found her bristling white pelt already stained with crimson.

"No wonder I never liked you." I sniffed as my ward was being treated. He glared in response but couldn't reply. Upon arriving, I had him chained with duct tape over his mouth. Mostly for his sake. "Now when I take this off, you're only going to answer my questions. Try to be a smart ass and I'll tape you right back up and we'll try again later." I walked over and ripped it off , Sam groaned and swore.

Dear Alex A.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora