Chapter Thirty Three : Bloom Again

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'In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born,
I am to learn;
And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself.'

- Antonio
[The Merchant Of Venice]


Rose took a warm bath and all along she couldn't stop smiling. It was as if she found her missing piece and it was all roses and happiness for her. She didn't want any money or material but just love and care and she was ready to bloom again.

Humming a tune, specifically a lullaby that her mother used to sing her about a girl who was married to the Prince of her dreams. She believed that dreams do come true and she was proven right.

Taking out a floral dress, she dolled herself up and let her raven hair cascade down into soft curls down to her slim waist. She looked much more radiant than any other past day. She twirled before the mirror and left the room after having her breakfast that her King had brought himself for his Queen to eat.

Walking along the corridor to find someone who would give her some chore to do so that she doesn't have to sit ideal, she witnessed a maid struggling with her sprained ankle. She hopped and tried to arrange the flowers in the large glass vase kept at the corner.

Rose walked quietly towards the struggling lady and asked softly from behind, so as not to startle her, "Do you need some help?"

"Um.. No. I can do it." The middle aged maid replied not turning back, thinking it was one of the co-workers.

"Are you sure? You look injured." Rose remarked with a frown.

"Yeah, it's fine. It should heal in few hours." The maid replied, half turning and bowed down to take a look at her injured ankle.

"I can manage." She sighed and smiled before looking up. As she turned up to face the voice that had been interacting with her, the flowers dropped from her hands.

"I-I am sorry, my lady. I didn't see you." She quickly apologized and tried bending down to pick up the flowers but Rose reached out before and helped her pick up the flowers.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry." Rose smiled and started arranging the flowers in the vase when the maid quickly interrupted, "Your Grace, you don't have to."

"Its alright. We must help each other at the time of need." Rose said after arranging the flowers, she helped the lady to a chair and called for some help.

She wrapped her injured ankle with an elastic compression wrap which would decrease the swelling and can be worn for a longer duration. In spite of the woman asking her not to, she helped her anyway. Later, she let her take some time off her work in order to get some rest and not to worry about it.

The maid was so pleased with her that she gave Rose her blessings and the last thing she said made an impact on her, "Thank you, Your highness. It is your nature as sweet as honey that changed him and brought peace and smiles to not just one but many faces." She didn't quite understand the complete meaning of the last part because it had a deeper, more pure and secretive meaning.

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