Chapter Forty : Blood Moon Night

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*Unedited with many errors. If you find them, you can help me out to edit it.*

*Have a bloody moon night...*


Here's a drink before we start... *Joker laugh*

 *Joker laugh*

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Rose POV:

I gasped in shock to find him such.

He looked dangerous. Hungry. Demanding.

His eyes were redder than usual and it shone incredibly in the moon light. The darkness giving it a darker tinge. His smile elongated making his long canines visible. They looked sharp like razor and he grinned like a Cheshire cat.

The wind blew his hair stands and a small spark ignited in his eyes. Slowly taking a step back, I called him again, "Henry?"

"Yes, sweetheart." His voice was normal but a little hoarse and dark. It was scary to see him smile like that with his predatory eyes.

"What is happening to you?" I whispered and took another step back. My lips were quivering out of fright and breathing was labored. Clutching the sides of my dress, I carefully took another step back.

"Don't think about it." Henry warned and took a stride towards me. He stalked closer like a predator and eyed me from head to toe as if I was his meal, "I have been starving for you..." He trailed off.

I can't believe what I heard was true. The legend is true. This night he comes to life to quench his thirst!

"Y-You want my blood?" I stuttered when he inched closer.

"Not just that." He drawled casually and eyed my sweater.

I exhaled and inhaled deeply to calm myself down but how could I? It's not helping a bit!

"T-Then what else do you want me to?"

"The stories they said when you were young were true but sadly.. they never explained it completely. Vampires on this night have needs. It grows with passage of days if they aren't satisfied. It involves physical needs... especially from their mates." He explained with his smile vanishing. His face was unpredictable with a look of lust in his eyes.

"I wasn't planning on this tonight but... " Staring at his hands, he ran one hand through his wild dark brown hair.

"I controlled for days.... I starved.. very bad." Henry closed his eyes in sorrow and twitched his jaw.

I breathed deeply and let out a sigh. Taking this situation with calmness would help. Why not to think it with the bright side instead of panicking?

"You want to take me?" I asked softly making snap his eyes open with a red storm brewing in them.

"Very much." Henry's head tilted a bit with a look that was beyond my understanding. It was not humanly.

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