Chapter Forty Three : Fiend And The Storm

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[Dedicated to BvckyBvrnes]


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- A. P

~And here's a lengthy update~


The voice of the dark lord boomed across the throne room with warning dripping from the simple two words, "What truth?"

"H-Henry." Karen stuttered as the hair on the back of her neck stood and senses disagreed to believe that he heard them.

"Why are the guards on hunt and where is Rose?" He took confident steps towards the trio who stood confused and dumbstruck. When they stood quite without any reason, he asked again, this time more calm and daunting, "Do you want me to repeat or have you forgotten how to speak?"

"Henry, I know its no good news but I want you to maintain your patience when I am done." Nigel pleaded in a peaceful voice that trembled slightly at the end.

Henry glanced at him with a small nod and waited for him to continue, "Rose... she chased you when you rode away on you horse but while you disappeared away.." Nigel inhaled sharply and took a pause.

Shooting a menacing look, Henry asked in a formidably quite voice, "What happened when I disappeared away?"

"The black masked soldiers appeared and-" Nigel was cut in the middle suddenly when a guard came running without permission into the throne room and intervened, "Sir-"

Aldrick squeezed his eyes shut and turned his head away from the sudden sight and a scared scream from Karen pierced their ears.

Nigel froze to the spot to see that his anger had already shot up.

The guard as he interrupted for no proper reason, was silenced in the most grotesque way as Henry in a blink of an eye, wrapped his hand around his throat and squeezed it, splattering the blood everywhere and the head rolled down the floor.

"Where is she?" Queer as it was, his voice still sounded calm and composed only thing it lacked was peace. It was as frightening as the silence before a storm.

His eyes flashed rage with a blazing red glow and his canines were visible.

Karen who had put hands on her mouth to prevent herself from making anymore noise closed her eyes and stepped behind Nigel. Whereas Nigel stood on his ground, slowly eyed the seperated head of the guard and raised his line of sight upto Henry to answer him stoically, "They took her away."

Nigel heaved a fearful sigh as he finally gave the answer he had been seeking for. "Where is Byron?" Henry suddenly asked and Nigel watched Aldrick to know if he had the news.

"He departed two hours ago right after Her Highness was abducted." Aldrick spoke and it raised a million questions making the absence of Byron suspicious. Since nobody except Henry had Byron on their line of suspect, they wondered for a second if Byron was in this. But how could he? It would cost his own life and kingdom.

Henry closed his eyes and his jaw twitched, "So careless." Nigel knew what was coming next so he took a step back and held Karen's hand.

The climate outside changed rapidly as if all the four seasons prevailed at once. The sky turned dark and the sun rays that entered through the large windows of the throne room were blocked, turning the chamber dark.

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